【Daily Bread】仆人领袖 Here to Serve [Jesus] poured water into a basin and began to wash hi 2017-07-10
【Daily Bread】Playing in Concert 合奏 There are no soloists in God’s orchestra. 2017-07-09
【Daily Bread】Silence 静默 The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the 2017-07-08
【Daily Bread】Sharing a Cup of Comfort 同得安慰 Our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as 2017-07-07
【Daily Bread】Reason to Smile 互相鼓励 Therefore encourage one another and build each other u 2017-07-06
【Daily Bread】完美父亲 A Perfect Father The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their 2017-07-04
【Daily Bread】Time Together 相聚时光 The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their 2017-07-03
【Daily Bread】靠着恩典 Rhythms of Grace Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gent 2017-07-02
【Daily Bread】Made Alive 出死入生 We owed a debt we could not pay, but Jesus paid the de 2017-07-01
【Daily Bread】Consider the Clouds 云彩 Creation is filled with signs that point to the Creato 2017-06-30
【Daily Bread】Nothing Is Useless 绝非徒然 Do what you can with what you have and leave the resul 2017-06-29
【Daily Bread】The Bond of Peace 彼此合一 God desires unity among believers.上帝要祂的子民彼此合一。Make eve 2017-06-28
【Daily Bread】Postures of the Heart 摆正心态 The highest form of prayer comes from the depths of a 2017-06-27
【Daily Bread】找到了 !Finding Waldo The biggest work a Christian can do is to find his fri 2017-06-26
【Daily Bread】A Reason to Sing 歌颂赞美 Hearts in tune with God sing His praises.信靠上帝,歌颂赞美祂。Si 2017-06-25
【Daily Bread】Rings and Grace 不念旧恶 Grace and forgiveness are unearned gifts.恩典与赦免都是不能赚取的。 2017-06-22
【Daily Bread】What Do We Want 现在就拥有 To live forever we must let Jesus live in us now.让耶稣进入 2017-06-21
【Daily Bread】Perfect Peace 真平安 Jesus came to usher peace into our lives and our worl 2017-06-20
【Daily Bread】信实可靠 Someone to Trust Jesus has made true love possible.在基督里有真爱,我们也能彼此相爱。Man 2017-06-19