【Daily Bread】Table Rock 岩桌 God’s Word is the only sure foundation for life. 上帝的话语 2017-06-18
【Daily Bread】以恩慈待人 Expect and Extend Mercy God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Luke 18:13When I comp 2017-06-17
【Daily Bread】坚守岗位 Let Honor Meet Honor Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front 2017-06-15
【Daily Bread】看顾麻雀 Not One Sparrow Death is the last shadow before heaven’s dawn.死亡是迎接天堂 2017-06-14
【Daily Bread】Everything We Need 一切所需 God promises to provide everything we need to honor Hi 2017-06-13
【Daily Bread】Dysfunctional 功能失调 Drawing close to Christ helps us to live as He design 2017-06-12
【Daily Bread】Navigating Rough Waters 激流历险 God guides us through the rapids of change.人生激流多险恶,上帝掌 2017-06-10
【Daily Bread】 嫉妒的解药 The Remedy for Jealousy The remedy for jealousy is thankfulness to God.嫉妒的解药就是 2017-06-08
【Daily Bread】Blink and Think of God 眼皮 When you blink, remember to thank God for His protect 2017-06-07
【Daily Bread】Seeing God 怎么看上帝? God is God alone. 祂是独一真神!The Lord is slow to anger, ab 2017-06-06
【Daily Bread】Finding the Way Out 找到出路 God promises to help us when we are tempted.上帝应许帮助我们逃 2017-06-05
周日【Daily Bread】Prepare the Child 预备孩子 Through conversation and demonstration, help prepare c 2017-06-04
【Daily Bread】Clothed by God 换上新袍 Who can wash away my sin? Jesus!See, I have taken away 2017-06-03
【Daily Bread】与狮群同住 Living With Lions Faithfulness to God inspires others.忠于上帝便能激励他人。He is t 2017-06-02
【Daily Bread】真正的朋友 Being A True Friend A big part of loving is listening.爱包括耐心聆听。Melchizedek 2017-06-01
【Daily Bread】Forever Flowers 永不凋谢 God affirms His love through His dependable and unchan 2017-05-31
【Daily Bread】露营诗篇 Camping Psalms Psalm 8New International Version (NIV)For the director 2017-05-29
【Daily Bread】保惠师 The Advocate The Holy Spirit fills Jesus’s followers.When he, the S 2017-05-28
【Daily Bread】喜乐欢唱 Singing with Violet When God gives us a new beginning, we find a joy that’ 2017-05-26