【Daily Bread】Face to Face 面对面 We can speak to the Lord as a friend. 2017-07-30
【Daily Bread】Intimate Details 时刻看顾 The God of the cosmos cares for us intimately.主宰宇宙的上帝时 2017-07-29
【Daily Bread】A Day to Rest 休息 In our faith and service, rest is as important as work 2017-07-28
【Daily Bread】亲近上帝 Approaching God But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made 2017-07-26
【Daily Bread】顺服耶稣 Giving in to Jesus In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but aliv 2017-07-25
【Daily Bread】我会怎么做 Could I Say That?(更新音频) In the darkest hours of life, only through the eyes of 2017-07-25
【Daily Bread】我会怎么做 Could I Say That? It was not you who sent me here, but God. Genesis 45:8 2017-07-23
【Daily Bread】The Ultimate Good 真正的好 We are good—and we please God—when our hope and faith 2017-07-22
【Daily Bread】Going First 先爱 God loved us first so we can love others. 2017-07-21
【Daily Bread】Celebrate Freedom 为自由欢呼 The law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free 2017-07-20
【Daily Bread】Destroying the Divides 恢复关系 God can purge our hearts of the sin that destroys our 2017-07-19
【Daily Bread】Cleaning House 大扫除 Every day we can reject destructive habits and experie 2017-07-18
【Daily Bread】Taking Shortcuts 轻松省力 Most things worth doing are difficult.许多值得去做的事都非易事。Who 2017-07-17
【Daily Bread】Time to Flourish 多一点时间 God has given the world extra time to respond to His o 2017-07-16
【Daily Bread】Faith in Action 信心的行为 We live out our faith through our good deeds. 2017-07-15
【Daily Bread】Unfinished Works 未完成的作品 Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to d 2017-07-14
【Daily Bread】五指祷告 Five-Finger Prayers Pray for each other. James 5:16Prayer is a conversatio 2017-07-13
【Daily Bread】甚好 !Very Good! 上帝看着一切所造的都甚好。-创世记1章31节有时候,生活好像都围绕着某一个主题,上个星期天就是如此。我们的牧 2017-07-12
【Daily Bread】同得安慰 Sharing a Cup of Comfort Our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as 2017-07-11
【Daily Bread】殷勤牢记 Soaking Up God's Words These commandments that I give to you today are to be 2017-07-11