
【Daily Bread】Postures of the Heart 摆正心态

The highest form of prayer comes from the depths of a humble heart.


[Solomon] knelt in front of the entire community of Israel and lifted his hands toward heaven [and] he prayed.2 Chronicles 6:13–14 

When my husband plays the harmonica for our church praise team, I have noticed that he sometimes closes his eyes when he plays a song. He says this helps him focus and block out distractions so he can play his best—just his harmonica, the music, and him—all praising God.


Some people wonder if our eyes must be closed when we pray. Since we can pray at any time in any place, however, it might prove difficult to always close our eyes—especially if we are taking a walk, pulling weeds, or driving a vehicle!


There are also no rules on what position our body must be in when we talk to God. When King Solomon prayed to dedicate the temple he had built, he knelt down and “spread out his hands toward heaven” (2 Chron. 6:13–14). Kneeling (Eph. 3:14), standing (Luke 18:10–13), and even lying face down (Matt. 26:39) are all mentioned in the Bible as positions for prayer.

另外,祷告也没有特定的姿势,就如圣经提到:所罗门王为所建的圣殿献上祷告的时候,他跪下并“向天举手”(历代志下6章13-14节);保罗在天父面前屈膝(以弗所书3章14节) ;法利赛人和税吏站着(路加福音18章10-13节) ;耶稣俯伏在地(马太福音26章39节) 。

Whether we kneel or stand before God, whether we lift our hands heavenward or close our eyes so we can better focus on God—it is not the posture of our body, but of our heart that is important. Everything we do “flows from [our heart]” (Prov. 4:23). When we pray, may our hearts always be bowed in adoration, gratitude, and humility to our loving God, for we know that His eyes are “open and [His] ears attentive to the prayers” of His people (2 Chron. 6:40).

无论是跪着或站在上帝面前、向天举手、或是闭起眼睛好让自己对上帝更加专注,最重要的不是我们的姿势,而是内心的态度。我们所做的每一件事,都是“由心发出”(箴言4章23节) 。祷告的时候,愿我们的心能俯伏在慈爱的上帝面前,充满崇敬、感谢与谦卑,因深知祂睁眼看并侧耳听祂子民的祷告(历代志下6章40节)。

Lord, direct my focus always toward You and teach me to follow You in obedience and love. 



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