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【读诗歌学英语】Desiderata 生命所渴求 Desiderata 生命所渴求 2016-09-07
什么样的人才能活得更美好? 以下为Dr. Robert Waldinger 演讲内容What keeps us healthy and 2016-09-05
【婚恋】老生新谈: 他不爱耶稣,岂会爱你? Growing up in church as a young single woman, I heard 2016-08-30
胡歌教你英语语法 胡歌获亚洲特别贡献奖全程英文演讲胡歌五句英语组成的简短发言:1.First of all, I would 2016-07-18
Why Are So Many Christians Unhappy Joy is the emotion of salvation. We rejoice with joy t 2016-07-15
婚恋 | 对于未婚者的九个祷告 Nine Prayers for the Not-Yet-Married Nine Prayers forthe Not-Yet-Married对于未婚者的九个祷告Singlenes 翻译:Vicky Xue 2016-07-06
【双语时事】众多佛教徒改信耶稣基督 双语·实事12:00PM EDT 6/30/2016 JESSILYN JUSTICE翻译:Ruth-Wei 2016-07-04
Hitherto hath the Lord helped us | 到如今耶和华都帮助我们 Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” (1Samuel 7:12)The w 2016-07-02
担心有人盗取你的网络账号吗?用一些圣经经文来做密码 Bradd-GammaTech : Jun 24, 2016 : GammaTech 翻译:Ruth We 2016-06-27
【双语时事】Why you can't just love Jesus but hate the Church? Please follow us 请关注我们: JesusChrist611 Ruth Wei 2016-05-31
【双语时事】Christians: Don't Give in to Compromise 基督徒:不要妥协 Please follow us 请关注我们: JesusChrist611 2016-05-24
【学英语】The Wisdom from Bible 《圣经》里的智慧 Please follow us 请关注我们: JesusChrist611 2016-05-18
182年来,东南亚的基督徒终于可以用母语来读福音书 Please follow us 请关注我们: JesusChrist611 Ruth Wei 2016-05-12
【学英语】Summer for Thee, Grant I May Be 请允许我成为你的夏季 Please follow us 请关注我们: JesusChrist611 2016-05-11
【学英语】Proverbs from Mother Teresa 特雷莎修女的箴言 Please follow us 请关注我们: JesusChrist611 2016-04-11