
【Drawing Near】Praying with Commitment 承诺的祷告

Praying with Commitment

"Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10).


Your prayers make a difference!


Matthew 6:10 literally says, "Whatever you wish to have happen, let it happen immediately. As your will is done in heaven, so let it be done on earth." That's a prayer of active commitment to God's will.


Many people don't pray like that because they don't understand God's character. They think their prayers don't matter and that God will impose His will on them no matter what they do. They tend to pray with passive resignation, indifference, or resentment.


I remember praying such a prayer. After my freshman year in college, I was in a serious auto accident. The driver lost control of the car at about seventy-five miles per hour and it rolled several times before coming to a stop. I was thrown clear of the vehicle and ended up sliding down the highway on my backside for about 100 yards. I lost a lot of skin and had some third-degree burns and other injuries, but fortunately I didn't break any bones.


I was conscious during the entire ordeal and vividly remember thinking, All right God. If you're going to fight this way, I give up! I can't handle this! I knew God was calling me into the ministry, but I was focusing my life in another direction.


I think God used that experience to get my attention, and my prayer of passive resignation soon turned to active commitment as He refined my heart and drew me to Himself.


Perhaps God has dealt severely with you, too. If so, it's only because He loves you and wants to produce the fruit of righteousness in you (Heb. 12:11). Don't despise His chastening, and don't be fatalistic or resentful in your prayers. Godly prayers make a difference (James 5:16), so commit yourself to praying expectantly, knowing that God is gracious and wise and always responds for His glory and your highest good (Rom. 8:28).


Suggestions for Prayer

If you tend to pray with indifference, passive resignation, or resentment, ask God's forgiveness. Study His character and cultivate deep communion with Him through disciplined, trusting prayer.


For Further Study

Read Luke 18:1-8.


·         Why did Jesus tell this parable?

·         What principles do you see that apply to your life?

·         为什么耶稣要讲这个比喻?

·         你从中明白了什么原则可运用于你的生活?

作者:John MacAuthor


本文英文原载于John MacArthur所著【Drawing Near】,1993年由Crossway Books出版,转自Grace to You网站


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