
【Drawing Near】Solving Man's Greatest Problem 解决人类最大问题

Solving Man's Greatest Problem


"Forgive us our debts" (Matt.   6:12).


Forgiveness removes the guilt and   penalty of sin and restores intimacy with God.


Man's greatest problem   is sin. It renders him spiritually dead, alienates him from God and his   fellow man, plagues him with guilt and fear, and can eventually damn him to   eternal hell. The only solution is forgiveness—and the only source of   forgiveness is Jesus Christ.


All sin is punishable by   death (Rom. 6:23) but Christ bore the sins of the world, thereby making it   possible to be forgiven and have eternal life through faith in Him (John   3:16). What a glorious reality!


Scripture speaks of two   kinds of forgiveness: judicial and parental. Judicial forgiveness comes from   God the righteous judge, who wiped your sin off the record and set you free   from its punishment and guilt. At the moment of your salvation He forgave all   your sins—past, present, and future—and pronounced you righteous for all   eternity. That's why nothing can ever separate you from Christ's love (Rom.   8:38-39).


Parental forgiveness is   granted to believers by their loving heavenly Father as they confess their   sin and seek His cleansing. That's the kind of forgiveness Jesus speaks of in   Matthew 6:12.


When a child disobeys   his father, the father/child relationship isn't severed. The child is still a   member of the family and there's a sense in which he is already forgiven   because he's under the umbrella of his father's parental love. But some of   the intimacy of their relationship is lost until the child seeks forgiveness.


That's the idea in   Matthew 6:12. The sins you commit as a believer don't rob you of your   salvation, but they do affect your relationship with God. He still loves you   and will always be your Father, but the intimacy and sweet communion you once   knew is jeopardized until you seek reconciliation by confessing your sins.


As a Christian, you are   judicially forgiven and will never come into condemnation. But never presume   on that grace. Make confession part of your daily prayers so sin will never   erode your relationship with your Heavenly Father.


Suggestions for Prayer

  •        Thank God for His   judicial forgiveness of all your sins.

  •       Ask Him to help you   maintain the joy of your relationship with Him by quickly dealing with any   sin that comes up in your life.

  •       为着神依法饶恕你所有的罪感谢祂!

  •       求神帮助你迅速处理生命中出现的罪,保持与神美好关系的喜乐。

For Further Study

Read Psalm 32:1-7.


  •       How did David feel about   forgiveness?

  •       What happened to David   before he confessed his sin?

  • 大卫怎样感受饶恕?

  • 在承认自己的罪之前大卫是怎样?

作者:John MacAuthor


本文英文原载于John MacArthur所著【Drawing Near】,1993年由Crossway Books出版,转自Grace to You网站


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