Solving Man's Greatest Problem
"Forgive us our debts" (Matt. 6:12). “免我们的债”(太6:12)。 Forgiveness removes the guilt and penalty of sin and restores intimacy with God. 饶恕挪去内疚和罪的刑罚,并恢复与神的亲密关系。 Man's greatest problem is sin. It renders him spiritually dead, alienates him from God and his fellow man, plagues him with guilt and fear, and can eventually damn him to eternal hell. The only solution is forgiveness—and the only source of forgiveness is Jesus Christ. 人类的最大问题是罪。罪带给人灵里的死亡,使人与神与人疏远,陷人于罪疚和惧怕,最终罚人入永远的地狱。饶恕是唯一的解决之道----而饶恕唯一的来源是耶稣基督。 All sin is punishable by death (Rom. 6:23) but Christ bore the sins of the world, thereby making it possible to be forgiven and have eternal life through faith in Him (John 3:16). What a glorious reality! 罪的工价乃是死(罗6:23),然而基督背负了世人的罪,让人可以得着赦免,并因信祂拥有永恒的生命(约翰福音3:16)。何等荣耀的现实! Scripture speaks of two kinds of forgiveness: judicial and parental. Judicial forgiveness comes from God the righteous judge, who wiped your sin off the record and set you free from its punishment and guilt. At the moment of your salvation He forgave all your sins—past, present, and future—and pronounced you righteous for all eternity. That's why nothing can ever separate you from Christ's love (Rom. 8:38-39). 圣经谈到两种饶恕:司法的和父母的。司法的饶恕来自神这位公义的法官,祂将你罪的案底清除一空,将你从罪的刑罚和内疚中释放。在你得救那一刻祂饶恕了你所有的罪—过去的、现在的、以及将来的—宣布了你永远的义。这就是为什么没有什么能使你与基督的爱隔绝(罗8:38-39)。 Parental forgiveness is granted to believers by their loving heavenly Father as they confess their sin and seek His cleansing. That's the kind of forgiveness Jesus speaks of in Matthew 6:12. 父母的饶恕,是当人承认他们的罪并寻求神的洁净时,慈爱的天父恩赐给信徒的。这是耶稣在马太福音6:12中谈到的饶恕。 When a child disobeys his father, the father/child relationship isn't severed. The child is still a member of the family and there's a sense in which he is already forgiven because he's under the umbrella of his father's parental love. But some of the intimacy of their relationship is lost until the child seeks forgiveness. 当孩子违背他的父亲,父/子关系并没断绝。孩子仍是家庭一员,有种感觉,孩子已经被饶恕,因他在父亲父母之爱的保护伞下。但如果孩子不寻求饶恕,他们关系中的亲密感就丢失了。 That's the idea in Matthew 6:12. The sins you commit as a believer don't rob you of your salvation, but they do affect your relationship with God. He still loves you and will always be your Father, but the intimacy and sweet communion you once knew is jeopardized until you seek reconciliation by confessing your sins. 这是马太福音6:12的思想。作为一个信徒,你犯了罪,并不会夺去你的救恩,但它确实会影响你与神之间的关系。神仍然爱你,并将永远是你的父亲,但你一度认知的你们之间亲密甘甜的团契却陷入危境,直等到你认罪来寻求和解。 As a Christian, you are judicially forgiven and will never come into condemnation. But never presume on that grace. Make confession part of your daily prayers so sin will never erode your relationship with your Heavenly Father. 作为一个基督徒,你已依法被赦免了,且永不被定罪。然而你决不要滥用这恩典。让认罪成为你每日祷告的一部分,这样罪就不会侵蚀你与天父之间的关系。
Read Psalm 32:1-7. 阅读诗篇32:17
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