【Daily Bread】记得那时 Remember When When we cannot see God’s hand, we can trust His heart. 2017-01-31
【Daily Bread】互相效力 Work Together Read: Romans 8:28–30 | Bible in a Year: Genesis 27–28; 2017-01-30
Daily Bread | Long Shadows 深远影响 Only what’s done for Christ will last.The Lord is good 2017-01-29
Daily Bread | A Treasure to be Shared 共享的宝藏 Let others see your testimony as well as hear it.言行一致, 2017-01-28
[Daily Bread]Finding Life 新的生命 Only Jesus can give us new life.Because I live, you al 2017-01-27
【Daily Bread】随手行善Random Acts of Kindness Read: Ruth 2:8–13 | Bible in a Year: Genesis 25–26; Ma 2017-01-26
【Daily Bread】涤故更新 Old Yet New Our Creator God makes everything new.我们的创造主使一切都变成新的了。H 2017-01-24
【Daily Bread】Someone to Celebrate 仍赞美敬拜 When we find Christ we offer our worship.Come, let us 2017-01-21
【Daily Bread】加倍的爱 A Multiplied Love Love your neighbor as yourself. —Jesus耶稣说:“要爱人如己。”An 2017-01-20
【Daily Bread】眼见为实?Not What It Seems Things are always better than they seem to be when we 2017-01-19
【Daily Bread】The Best Gift 完美的礼物 The best gift we can give to God is ourselves.我们能献给上帝 2017-01-18
【Daily Bread】 Thanks-Living 感恩的生活 When you think of all that’s good, give thanks to God 2017-01-17
【Daily Bread】Who Do You Say He Is 你说祂是谁? The identity of Jesus is the central question of etern 2017-01-16
【Daily Bread】Our Covering 我们的遮盖 The only permanent covering for sin is the blood of Ch 2017-01-15
【Daily Bread】小睡片刻 One Short Sleep To see Jesus will be heaven’s greatest joy. 与耶稣相会是天堂最 2017-01-13
【Daily Bread】Living in the Light 活在光中 Choosing to love people well shows the world what God 2017-01-12
【Daily Bread】 Good News 好消息! The birth of Jesus is the best news the world has ever 2017-01-11
【Daily Bread】 The Money 论金钱 Never confuse temptation with opportunity.诱惑与良机,当慎思明辨。 2017-01-10
【Daily Bread】祷告服事Serving God with Our Prayers Great expectation on our part honors God.信心的祷告能尊荣上帝。G 2017-01-09
【Daily Bread】Wounds from a Friend 朋友加的伤痕 A friend is one who can tell you the truth in love.朋 2017-01-08