【Daily Bread】Hide and Seek 捉迷藏 God knows us completely . . . and loves us just as muc 2017-12-19
【Daily Bread】Take a Number 领个号码牌 In the midst of troubles, peace can be found in Jesus. 2017-12-17
【Daily Bread】Seeing Masterpieces 看见杰作 Read: Psalm 98 阅读: 诗篇98篇Shout for joy to the Lord, al 2017-12-16
【Daily Bread】Helicopter Seeds 直升机种子 Read: John 12:23–33 |阅读: 约翰福音12章23-33节Unless a kernel 2017-12-15
【Daily Bread】Serve and Be Served 服事与被服事 Receive love. Give love. Repeat.周而复始地接受帮助,也帮助他人。You we 2017-12-14
【Daily Bread】In His Presence 主同在中 Every moment can be lived in God’s presence.让我们时刻活在上帝的 2017-12-13
【Daily Bread】 | What’s the Best Gift 最好的礼物 The most treasured gift we can give to God is our love 2017-12-12
【Daily Bread】Multiplied Generosity 慷慨之举 Our generosity meets needs and glorifies Jesus.我们的慷慨可扶 2017-12-11
【Daily Bread】 Great Love 伟大的爱 Read: 1 John 3:1–8阅读: 约翰一书3章1-8节See what great love th 2017-12-10
【Daily Bread】The Good Earth 美好的地球 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth 2017-12-09
【Daily Bread】How Much More求就得着 Read: Luke 11:5–13 阅读: 路加福音11章5-13节If you then, though 2017-12-08
【Daily Bread】A Good Ending 美好的结局 God promises His people a good end to the story.上帝应许祂的 2017-12-07
【Daily Bread】The Hand of Comfort 安慰的手 Simple gestures can bring powerful comfort.有时候,简单的举动能带 2017-12-06
【Daily Bread】Second Chances 重新开始 Read: Ruth 4:13–17阅读: 路得记4章13-17节 He has not stopped s 2017-12-05
【Daily Bread】Think Before You Speak三思而后言 Read: Psalm 141 阅读: 诗篇141篇Set a guard over my mouth, 2017-12-04
【Daily Bread】Our Prayers, God’s Timing 上帝的时间 When we cannot see God’s hand at work, we can still tr 2017-12-03
【Daily Bread】Joy and Justice 喜乐与公义 Work for justice; pray for mercy.追求公义、祈求怜悯。You rule th 2017-12-02
【Daily Bread】Powerful Baby 有影响力 How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? . . . But 2017-11-30