
金句美词 | 公平和公义是你宝座的根基 Foundation

根 基


Psalms 诗篇89:14

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.

公 义 和 公 平 是 你 宝 座 的 根 基 ; 慈 爱 和 诚 实 行 在 你 前 面 。



(noun) UK   /fa?n?de?.??n/  

US  /fa?n?de?.??n/

1.[U] an occasion when an organization, state, etc. is established创建;建立

The foundation of a new state



2. [C] an organization that has been created in order to provide money for a particular group of people in need of help or for a particular type of study基金会

He applied for a grant from the Environmental Research Foundation. 



3. [P] the structures below the surface of the ground that support a building地基;房基

The foundations will have to be reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into the ground.



4. [U] a type of make-up that is spread over the skin of the face, usually before other make-up is put on, giving it a better and more even color and hiding unwanted marks (化妆打底用的)粉底霜



be without foundation / have no foundation 无根据

These allegations are completely without foundation.  这些指控完全没有根据


lay the foundation(s) of/for打下…的基础;为…打下基础

The two leaders have laid the foundations of a new era in cooperation between their countries.



shake/rock something to its foundations从根本上动摇(某一组织或信仰)

The scandal has shaken the Democratic Party to its foundations.



foundation stone 奠基石

foundation course (U.K.)  (U.S. = introductory course) 大学的基础课程

Psalms 诗篇89:14

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.

公 义 和 公 平 是 你 宝 座 的 根 基 ; 慈 爱 和 诚 实 行 在 你 前 面 。

