Day 1 – Motivation
第一天 动机
I Corinthians 10:31
哥林多前书 10:31
Psalm 115:1
诗篇 115:1
II Corinthians 3:16-18
哥林多后书 3:16-18
Hebrews 1:1-4
希伯来书 1:1-4
Only when we seek to do everything only for the glory of God are we able to find freedom and have the lasting results we desire.
All the diligent study, Bible reading and praying will be for naught if we do it any other way. Setting out after freedom from sin for the Glory of God gives us both a focus and a sure hope.
It is also the foundation for living right in all areas of our lives. Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord, to Thee.
Day 2 - Living Water
第二天 活水
Isiah 55:1-3
以赛亚书 55:1-3
Pornography promises to quench our thirst. But any satisfaction is temporary and unfulfilling and we must keep going back to it.
We also need more of it to satisfy each time, leading us down a path of destruction. The satisfying water we need is in the Word of God, the Bible.
God made your soul, therefore He can fill it! We simply need to stop drinking dirty water and begin drinking from the Bible, seeing how we will no longer need the dirty water to be satisfied in our soul.
We will trust Jesus and leave our broken cisterns behind.
Day 3 - Into The Light
第三天 进入光明
1 John 1:5-10
约翰一书 1:5-10
Eph. 5:8-14
以弗所书 5:8-14
Sin thrives in darkness. Done in secret, often with the lights off, no one else knowing how trapped and drawn you feel to it.
Bring it to the light.
Confess it to your spouse or pastor if you can. At least confess it to God. If we walk in the light we gain fellowship with others "and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" (1 John 1:7).
Jesus cannot purify you until you bring the sin to the light. You will gain fellowship with others walking in the light as well as eternal purity. Will you begin to walk in the light today?
如果可以,向你的配偶或牧师认罪,至少要向神认罪。如果我们行在光明中,就彼此相交了。“他儿子耶稣的血也洗净我们一切的罪”(约翰一书 1:7)。
Day 4 - The Cross
第四天 十字架
Colossians 1:21-23
Deuteronomy 4:25-31
申命记 4:25-31
(There are many helpful scriptural references in today's lesson. Be sure to review the lesson for more help than the two mentioned above.)
Sin separates you from God...your prayers are not going to be heard by God while you are continuing sin.
He will hide His face from you.
BUT you are reconciled to God by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross!
The Colossians verse above talks about the problem, its solution, and the results. Sin may make you feel that God has forsaken you or will not save you.
But you can only serve one master...is your master Jesus or pornography?
Who has more pull in your decisions in your life?
You can only find reconciliation through Jesus and no one else. Have you found yours?
If not, put up the flag of surrender and ask for help!
If you didn't need help with this, Jesus would not have had to die on the cross! Get the help from our Lord!
He was put on the cross for you and if you turn back to God, He will reach down to you!
Day 5 - Running Light
第五天 轻装上阵
Hebrews 12:1
希伯来书 12:1
Romans 13:14
罗马书 13:14
Matthew 5:29-30
马太福音 5:29-30
We are in a race away from sin and to the finish line of eternal life.
In this race, as in any race, we must prepare for the race, push hard to win, and do what it takes to stay focused on the finish line.
How many runners don't take off their sweats before sprinting down the track?
Sweats aren't heavy but they hold them back from winning.
We must run light -- remove EVERYTHING that keeps us from running well.
What is pulling you down and causing you opportunities to sin?
Strip it off, remove it from your life. What coach would not yell at his runners to take off their sweats during a race?
The internet is a big problem for many of us. Remove it from your life if you can.
Give away your computer if you only use it to surf. If you absolutely must have it for work, etc., then put a filter on the browser or use accountability software to keep you from going to porn sites.
If you do not remove the opportunities to sin, you will lose this race as you will sin again.
(See the lesson for resources to help filter the internet and make you accountable.)
我们必须轻装上阵 - 除去一切妨碍我们的得胜之物。
Day 6 – Turning
第六天 回转
1 Thessalonians 1:4-10
1 Peter 3:10 - 11
彼得前书 3:10 - 11
James 4:7 - 10
雅各书 4:7 - 10
To be free of the sin of pornography, you must repent. This involves a turn from sin and towards God. This is a 180-degree turn, not 90 degrees.
You must turn your back completely on the opportunities to sin and turn to the Bible and prayer for help and guidance and the living water (remember Day 1?).
If you do not turn 180 degrees, you are purposely leaving open a part of you to sin again. Also see how the way you have been facing is toward sin and away from God...and how that offends God!
Jesus can't help you unless you turn to Him and away from your sin, and repentance is a gift from God. Seek the Lord! Run light, feed on the Word, and keep your back to your sin through repentance.
你必须彻底转离犯罪的机会,转向圣经,并通过祷告来寻求帮助、指引和那活水 (还记得第一天的课程吗?)。
Day 7 - New Direction
第七天 新的方向
2 Corinthians 7:8 - 13
哥林多后书 7:8 - 13
Isaiah 57:14-15
Luke 15:7
"True sorrowing over sin brings about real repentance. So, this being true, we need to pray for sorrow in our hearts that it might lead us to repentance."
This line from today's lesson says it all.
Repentance is about feeling true sorrow for offending God and ignoring Jesus.
It isn't feeling bad you have been caught, or hating the consequences of being caught or giving up.
It is about feeling sorrow for your sins against God. This is godly sorrow vs. worldly sorrow. Godly sorrow leads to life and lasting victory over sin.
You must turn from your sin and repent -- one without the other is not enough.
But all this sorrow is to bring you low so you may be lifted up! And the rejoicing in heaven about your repentance is going to fill you up.
你必须转离罪,并彻底地悔改 - 两者缺一不可。
Day 8 – Accountability
第八天 责任
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
传道书 4:9-12
Galatians 6:1
加拉太书 6:1
Hebrews 3:13
希伯来书 3:13
Hebrews 10:23-25
It is essential that you do not try to fight this battle alone, even when enlisting Jesus to help through your prayers! You need the accountability of another Christian to keep you in line.
Trust me. Without this you will fail. Find someone to confide in and make a plan to be accountable to this person every single day.
In any fight, one person alone likely falls, but two together can stand. "Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." (Ecc. 4:12)
任何的争战,孤军奋战很可能失败,但两人同心协力就能在仇敌面前站立得住。三个人更好,“三股合成的绳子不容易折断。” (传道书4:12)
Day 9 - Pure Grace
第九天 纯粹的恩典
John 8:1-11
Romans 8:1
罗马书 8:1
1 John 1:9
约翰一书 1:9
Isaiah 43:25
以赛亚书 43:25
"Simply put, grace is what saves us, sanctifies us and will ultimately glorify us. The grace of God is responsible for rescuing us from pornography and keeping us out of it until the end."
This line from today's lesson says it all.
All we do to help us out of sin is good, but in the end our salvation and abstaining from sin is not our doing. God's grace is sufficient and complete in keeping us from sin.
And we are not condemned even though we admit our sins to God! (We should work on not condemning others we meet as well!)
If you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior, then you are told by Christ that you are not condemned for your sins...He has already paid the price for you! Praise God!
Day 10 - Surprising Grace
第十天 奇异恩典
Romans 5:17
罗马书 5:17
1 Corinthians 15:9-10
2 Corinthians 1:12
哥林多后书 1:12
2 Corinthians 9:8
哥林多后书 9:8
Titus 2:11-12
提多书 2:11-12
Ephesians 2:8-9
以弗所书 2:8-9
This day had the amazing story of the prince who rode the dragon and eventually BECAME a dragon, attacking his countrymen, yet his father received him with open arms and forgave him on the spot!
We cannot battle the dragon alone. And the best weapon is truth! No more hidden flights with the dragon! Bring them to the light any time you stumble and you will be forgiven as you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, so HIS blood is in your veins! But it is possible to receive God's grace in vain, if you do not have a heart and life change.
"Sin is a spiritual problem and requires spiritual solutions. God's grace given us at the cross is the solution." Acquiring God's grace is a process: 1 - humble ourselves, 2 - rid our lives of idols, 3 - seek after it, and 4 - don't miss it.
“罪是一个灵性的问题,需要属灵的方式来解决。神在十字架上所赐我们的恩典就是解决之道。” 获得神的恩典是一个过程:1-谦卑自己,2-除去生命中的偶像,3-追求主恩,4-不要错失。
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