
圣经时光打卡100天 | Day 68:上帝的智慧

God’s Wisdom


Ezra 7:25 And you, Ezra, in accordance with the wisdom of your God, which you possess, appoint magistrates and judges to administer justice to all the people of Trans-Euphrates—all who know the laws of your God. And you are to teach any who do not know them.

以斯拉记7:25 以斯拉啊,要照着你 神赐你的智慧,将所有明白你神律法的人立为士师、审判官,治理河西的百姓,使他们教训一切不明白 神律法的人。

Romans 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments,  and his paths beyond tracing out!

罗马书11:33 深哉, 神丰富的智慧和知识!他的判断何其难测!他的踪迹何其难寻!

1 Corinthians 1:21  For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

哥林多前书1:21 世人凭自己的智慧,既不认识 神, 神 就乐意用人所当作愚拙的道理拯救那些信的人;这就是 神的智慧了。

1.God’s wisdom is in the Word of God.

1. 上帝的智慧在祂的话语里。

2.God’s wisdom is unfathomable.

2. 上帝的智慧无法测度。

3.God’s wisdom saves those who believe through the Word considered foolish by the world.

3. 上帝的智慧是用世人以为愚拙的道理拯救相信的人。


Father God, thank you for giving us your word that we may understand your wisdom. Whenever we preach the gospel, pour your unfathomable wisdom onto us, so that many people will get to know you and receive salvation.




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