

Christian Group Seeking to Eradicate Drug Use in Myanmar is Attacked with Machetes




A Christian group which is trying to eradicate drug use in Myanmar has been attacked by a group who profits from the drug trade.



According to Christian Today, the Christian group known as Pat Jasan was attacked with machetes when 300 of its members were en route to a poppy plantation in Waingmaw Township.

根据今日基督教报道,被称为Pat Jasan的基督徒团体中的300名成员在前往Waingmaw乡罂粟种植园的途中被人用砍刀袭击。


The group, established by the Kachin Baptist Church, was attempting to destroypoppies used to extract opium.



"They first tried to stop us as we were about to enter the poppy fields there. Laterthey beat us and threw stones at us. Then they burnt tents and took away ourfood," a member of Pat Jasan, who wished to remain anonymous, told TheIrrawady, a Burmese news source.

“当我们快进入罂粟田时,他们一开始试图阻止我们进入。后来,他们就打我们,向我们投掷石块。然后他们烧毁帐篷,抢走我们的食物,”Pat Jasan一位没有透露姓名的成员告诉缅甸记者Irrawady


TheChristian group had divided up into six smaller groups to begin destroying thepoppy plantations. One of the group was badly beaten and injured. The exactnumber of those injured remains unknown.



AlthoughMyanmar’s police have promised to help Pat Jasan, government help remainsuncertain.

虽然缅甸警方已答应帮助Pat Jasan,但政府在提供援助方面的态度尚不明朗。


“We feel that there's no protection for us yet despite the Parliament in Naypyidawdiscussing our anti-poppy campaigns. We urgently need full support andprotection from the government," said Kham Thu Dan Shaung, a central committee member of Pat Jasan. 

“我们感到,尽管内比都的议会正在商讨我们的反罂粟运动,但他们并没有给我们提供任何保护。我们迫切需要政府的全力支持和保障,”Pat Jasan核心委员会成员Kham Thu Dan Shaung说。


"Our campaign is to help and support the government's plan to eliminate drugs and poppy plantations. Since we were attacked like this, it is a sign that some people still want to profit out of drug production and that's not good for our country's future,” he continued.



After an emergency discussion following the attack, Myanmar’s parliament approved amotion calling for more support of Pat Jasan.

Pat Jasan被袭击后,缅甸议会召开紧急会议,批准了一个呼吁对该团体给予更多支持的动议。


Myanmaris second only to Afghanistan in producing opium.



Veronica Neffinger

Christian Headlines.com

翻译:PRaY a LaTTe

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

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