

Gaia Mission Maps the Milky Way


The European Space Agency (ESA) announced recently it is on course to finalize a monumental 3D map of the Milky Way next year. Scientists will plot a billon stars—just 1 percent of those in our galaxy—on the Gaia Mission map.


Orbiting the sun at slow speed, the 33-foot-wide Gaia spacecraft has two telescopes that gather data with a measurement precision akin to gauging the diameter of a human hair from 600 miles away.


Mission manager Fred Jansen said Gaia has already collected about 500 billion different measurements. The ultra-precise measurements are “a revolution” forastrophysics, said Anthony Brown, head of the scientific consortium of humansprocessing Gaia’s data. So far, the mission’s data-gathering methods have enabled the identification of 400 million new stars and should open the doorfor other discoveries.

任务主管FredJansen介绍盖亚已经完成了5000亿的不同测量。人类处理盖亚数据的科学财团的负责人Anthony Brown说这种超精密测量对于天体物理学来说是一个“革命”。至今为止,盖亚任务收集的数据已经帮助识别了4亿的新星,也为其他的探索开启了一扇门。

But the project’sbenefits go far beyond measurements, said Gabriel J. Williams Jr., assistant professor of atmospheric physics at South Carolina’s College of Charleston.

南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿学院的大气物理学助理教授Gabriel J. Williams Jr.说这个项目带来的利益远不止于测量。

“Much of our knowledge is built on mathematical models and predictions,” he said. “Having observational evidence of the position and movement of stars would provide some insight into the structure and history of the Milky Way galaxy.”


Gaia also has enough sensitivity to detect  asteroids as well as several thousand near-Earth objects like comets and asteroids that could collide with Earth. Detection of unknown objects will alert ground-based observatories to any threat to our planet.


The project might also help solve questions about the amount and distribution of the mysterious invisible “dark matter” within the universe. Dark matter may make up nearly 85 percent of the universe’s matter, and it exerts a gravitational force on all stars. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, this gravitational pull affects stars as they move throughout their home galaxy. Using Gaia’s measurements will show “any deviations that cannot be explained by the visible matter will be dueto dark matter,” Williams said.


Like all observational discoveries, this one should leave Christians with a sense of wonder. We see the stars have been set in their places, Williams said,revealing the consistency of God’s character: “His providence and faithfulness in meticulously designing the stars and ordaining their respective positions.”


Stars have always elicited awe, as King David wrote in Psalm 8:3-4. And yet Williams stresses our understanding is “provisional.” Numerous fundamental questions of astrophysics have not been answered, and we do not have the current tools to answer all our questions, Williams noted.


When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?



“This is a humbling realization, and what encourages my faith is that we know the same God who wrote His moral law clearly in the Scriptures is the same God who is upholding all of our natural laws with His powerful word,” Williams added. “This is our Father’s world and universe, and He is the sustainer of the things which we currently understand,as well as the mysteries beyond our grasp.”


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