
双语时事 | 随着中期战争的尘埃开始落定,祷告仍是关键

By Alveda King

‘As The Dust From The Mid-Term Wars Begins To Settle, Prayer Remains Key’


In the aftermath of the mid-term elections, as the dust begins to settle, I keep wondering why Christians would “roll over and play dead” at the polls? Why would Christians “run for cover” rather than fight the good fight of faith at the polls? Why would we go undercover when someone punches us in the gut for standing up for Bible truth?


Then it occurred to me; the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; they are mighty before God. Yes, when we get hit hard, we bleed; but we don’t die. We fight back with love and sound doctrine. We remain loving and forgiving; but we fight back. Listen to my post-election commentary.


Hit me with a lie? I pray, forgive and keep moving. Catch me in a lie? I repent, stop sinning and keep moving. 


Call me a racist? I raise up the shield of Acts 17:26: “Of one blood, God created the Human Race.” We are not Color Blind. We are destined to celebrate ethnic diversity as One Human Race. We are created by God to live and love in spirit and in truth. Don’t vote for sin.


Call me crazy for resisting abortion? I raise up the banner of the gift of choosing life.


Call me a fool for supporting procreation? I stay in the fight, voting for life, praying for life for the generations to come.


Yes I have a “dog in this fight!” I’m fighting for life, liberty and justice for everyone: the child in the womb, the person behind bars, the poor, the sick, the elderly; the enslaved and the free. I’m fighting for economic, social and moral justice for everyone; for safety and security for everyone.


Yet, we must always serve God, not just at church on Sundays. We must also serve God at the polls. Our President is right; “We serve God, not government.”


My vote matters. Yours does too.


Yes, with my vote, I put on my mask first. If I can’t breathe, how can I help you? But I will help you, I will love you. I just need God’s help to help you.


We are “never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:9


Yes, the mid-terms are behind us. Thanksgiving, Christmas and the March for Life are ahead. Then it’s off to the races for 2020 elections.



翻译:Ruth Wei     排版:金明明

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