



“人到我这里来,若不爱我胜过爱自己的父母,妻子,儿女,弟兄,姐妹,和自己的性命,就不能作我的门徒。” - 路 14:26





但是这正是耶稣的门徒们所做的。他们已经和耶稣在一起多年,而且他们知道祂是弥赛亚,是所应许给神子民的救赎者(参路加福音 9:18-36)。尽管他们并不明白所有的事,但他们知道他们的夫子,耶稣,正是神的儿子。





 The Cost Of Discipleship

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.” - Luke 14:26


Crowds grew larger as Jesus passed villages and towns on his way to Jerusalem. People everywhere were cheering him on, attracted by his teachings. And his committed followers provided a solid support base. Even so, not everyone welcomed Jesus with open arms.

The people knew he was different from other rabbis. In general, his teachings were exciting and radical. And he was an amazing healer! But did anyone know the price they would have to pay to follow him?

With his focus squarely on Jerusalem, Jesus asked them to choose their true love. It was all or nothing. Jesus scanned the crowd and said, in effect, “If you want to follow me, you’ll have to love me more than your parents, families, and siblings.” Many smiles turned to expressions of confusion and surprise. Cut all ties with family for Jesus alone? That was a lot to ask—for many, it was too much.

But that is what Jesus’ disciples had done. They had spent years with him already, and they knew he was the Messiah, the promised deliverer of God’s people (see Luke 9:18-36). Though they didn’t understand everything, they knew their Master, Jesus, was the Son of God.

How about you?


Lord, discipleship on your terms leads to a cross. It calls me to embrace you as my only Savior in this life and the one to come. Help me to trust you, Lord, forever. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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