



“我实在告诉你们,凡要承受神国的,若不像小孩子,断不能进去。” - 路18:17


在耶稣的时代,接受拉比的祝福是一件大事,拉比为孩子祝福在当时是一个习俗 - 有时候还会给予这个孩子一些关于他未来的预言。

难怪这些父母会涌向耶稣接受祂的祝福是个极大的礼物。 而且祂甚至会预言孩子的未来祂会预言谁可能成为拉比吗?或者谁会成为百姓的领袖?或者谁会足享长寿?







  Like A Little Child 

“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” - Luke 18:17


In Jesus’ day, receiving a blessing by a rabbi was a big deal. It was customary for rabbis to impart a blessing, a barakah, on children—and that sometimes included a prophetic message about the child’s future.

No wonder these parents flocked to Jesus. Receiving his blessing would be a great gift—and he might even speak of the child’s future. Would he reveal who might become a rabbi? Or a leader of the people? Or who would enjoy the blessing of long life?

The disciples saw these parents crowding around Jesus, and they weren’t too happy. After all, Jesus was way too busy to take time for children!

But Jesus didn’t want his kingdom fenced in like a private club. As the disciples tried to block the parents and children from him, Jesus called the children toward him with open arms. The Master wanted them near, and he gave them the greatest blessing of all, saying, “The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

The disciples needed to learn that, rather than being self-imposed gatekeepers of the kingdom, they were to invite people freely, recognizing that all who come to the Lord with the trusting dependency of a child may receive God’s abundant blessings.


Jesus, thank you for encouraging me to come to you with childlike faith. I come with open hands, believing and trusting that you are willing to give good gifts to your children. In your name I come today. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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