



“得胜的,必承受这些为业。我要作他的神,他要作我的儿子。” - 启 21: 7









 The Power Of Victory

Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. — Revelation 21:7


Our family is a soccer family. We love the game, and it is something we all enjoy both watching and doing. We spend a fair amount of time at soccer fields. Over the years our children have had the opportunity to play for several teams. Some of those teams won many games. Some did not. And while it always feels good to go home with a win in the scorebook, we also know that the final score does not always reflect which team put forth the best effort.

The power of Jesus’ resurrection gives us victory over sin and death. The victory is secure because of what Christ did, not because of any efforts we put forth. All who trust him as their Savior and confess their sins are assured of this victory and all the benefits it brings.

One of the valuable lessons our children learned through soccer is how to be gracious in victory. Similarly, it’s important to be gracious to others in the victorious confidence in which we live each day because of Christ’s victory. Our confidence is not an attitude of superiority and privilege but, rather, one of grace, humility, and love.

Today, know that the victory of the resurrection is yours in Jesus, and humbly live in the confidence of that victory.


Lord, there is no way we can repay you or thank you enough for offering us the victory over sin and death. Help us to live graciously and lovingly in the confidence of your strength. In the power of your name, Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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