



“所以你们若真与基督一同复活,就当求在上面的事。那里有基督坐在神的右边。” - 西3:1









 Free To Live

Since . . . you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. — Colossians 3:1



In my work, I often come alongside young people as they begin to seek out their identity and figure out who God created them to be. We talk about different types of personalities and learn about different career paths and vocations that might fit well with those personalities. We work through assessments and think about life experiences as we identify individual passions, talents, gifts, and abilities. We reflect on the ideas of mission and calling.

Understanding individual gifts, passions, and callings helps an individual identify not only what they can and might do, but also what might not be the best thing to do. It frees a person from the notion of trying to “do it all” and allows them to let go of some things.

Resurrection living offers us a place to fully belong and to find our identity in Christ. Understanding the freedom we have through Christ’s resurrection helps us focus on how to live fully. When we seek after God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, God reveals what is best for us and helps us recognize the dark places inside ourselves that draw us away from the full life he desires for us.

Today, let’s set our hearts and minds on seeking God so that we can discover the freedom to live fully in his love.


Our true identity is found only in you, Jesus. Align our hearts with yours and focus our minds on what you desire for us. Work in us whatever is pleasing to you. In the power of your Spirit we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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