



“耶和华对(摩西)说:......‘现在我使你眼睛看见了,你却不得过到那里去。’” - 申 34:4










 Promise And Fulfillment

The LORD said to [Moses] . . . “I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.” — Deuteronomy 34:4



Moses has led the people of God for more than forty years after leading them out of slavery in Egypt, but this is the end of the journey for him. From the time when God spoke to him out of a burning bush (Exodus 3) until this day, Moses has walked closely with God.

Along the way, there have been twists and turns. On one occasion, Moses’ anger took over, and his actions led to the consequence of his not being allowed to go into the promised land (Numbers 20:6-13.)

Still, God graces Moses with a view of what is to come. Moses sees the land and knows again that God will keep his promises. The land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will become a gift to their descendants.

Promise and fulfillment are key teachings that the church, as the people of God, still carry to this world today. We live in hope, knowing that Christ, who already fulfilled so many of God’s promises to his people, will come again and fulfill all of God’s promises completely in the new heaven and new earth, where he is now preparing a place for us (John 14:1-3; Revelation 21-22).

In that new reality we will be able to live with him in God’s presence forever, thanks to all that Christ has accomplished for us. He is able to lead all who love and serve him into the full life and well-being that God has promised since the beginning.


Dear God, thank you for being the God of promise and fulfillment. Help us to look to Jesus, who is not only the author but also the finisher of our faith. In his name, Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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