



“耶稣 ...... 对他母亲说:‘母亲,看,你的儿子!’又对那门徒说:‘看,你的母亲!’ 从此那门徒就接她到自己家里去了。” - 约 19:26-27










 Related By Faith

Jesus . . . said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. — John 19:26-27



In many countries at some time of the year there is a focus of gratitude and celebration for the life and influence of mothers. Today is such a day in the United States and Canada as we celebrate Mothers Day.

On this day we generally celebrate the mothers who gave us birth, or adopted us, or stood in a mother’s place for us (such as an aunt or grandmother). We give thanks for and rightly honor the people who have cared for us and loved us.

In God’s family the basis of our relationships is love and care as well. Being part of God’s family is about recognizing the love and provisions we receive from God, coming to faith by God’s grace, and then connecting with others who have a similar relationship with God—and inviting still others whom God wants us to welcome into his family.

As we learn about how the early church developed, we see that the mother of Jesus became part of the household of the disciple John. She also became a “mother” to John and took care of him. Jesus made sure that this relationship of mutual adoption framed their future even as he paid the ultimate price for all our sin.

Let’s not forget about this important link between Mary and John. The early church was noted for their love for one another in Christ. May we follow that example today too and live out that legacy.


Father God, in your family help us to live by love, hospitality, and generosity for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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