



“我们却是天上的国民。并且等候救主,就是主耶稣基督....他要....将我们这卑贱的身体改变形状,和他自己荣耀的身体相似。” - 腓 3:20-21


C.S.鲁益师观察到,如果你的目标只是获取地上的成功,那么即使地上所有的一切都过去,你也可能永远不会到天上。但如果你的目标是天上的事,主不但会满有恩典地将你带到天上,还会使你在地上的生活变得美好。所以如果你只盯着地上,就什么也得不到。但如果你瞄准天上,你就有了一切 – 丰盛的生命。


保罗为腓立比人指出这一点,是因为当时 – 也包括现在 – 有各种各样的影响会分散我们的注意力,使我们无法将神的国放在生命的第一位。我们每天都会收到这样的信息:活在当下,及时享乐,跟着感觉走,为自己着想。保罗声称,所有这些都使人成为基督十字架的仇敌。这一切都是以自我为中心的生活,丝毫不能反映基督的无私。但是如果我们是基督的子民,有一天我们会变得像耶稣,列队在神国度的荣耀里。




Citizens Of Heaven

"Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who . . . will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body." — Philippians 3:20-21


C.S. Lewis observed that if you aim to be successful only on earth, you may never get to heaven even as the things of earth slip away. But if you aim for the things of heaven, not only will the Lord graciously bring you there; he will also make your life on earth something wonderful. So if you aim only for earth, you get nothing. But if you aim for heaven, you get everything—life to the full.

This is Paul’s point too as he rounds out Philippians 3. We all are citizens of one country or another here on earth. But believers in Christ have a far more important status as citizens of heaven. All of our other identities fall in line under our heavenly citizenship.

Paul pointed this out for the Philippians because then—and now—there are all kinds of influences that distract us from giving God’s kingdom first place in our lives. We receive messages like this every day: live for the moment, go for the gusto, do whatever feels right, look out for number one. All this, Paul claims, makes people enemies of the cross. It all amounts to self-centered living and reflects none of Christ’s selflessness. But if we live as Christ’s people, then one day we will be made like Jesus, arrayed in all the glory of God’s kingdom!


Lord, may the contours of your kingdom and the truth of our heavenly citizenship be revealed in our lives, transforming us even now on this earth into your distinct people. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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