



“我劝友阿爹和循都基,要在主里同心。” - 腓 4:2



由于某些原因,他们吵了一架,大家都知道这件事。或许这两个人已经有段时间没说话了,而且他们都倾向于回避对方。尽管他们不说话,别人却可能在谈论他们 – 所以保罗自己也听说此事,就不足为奇了。







 One Mind

"I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord." — Philippians 4:2



Paul’s letters to churches like the one at Philippi were probably first read aloud at a worship gathering. So in Philippi one day, do you suppose Euodia and Syntyche got embarrassed at this point, hearing their names read in connection with a conflict?

For some reason they had had a falling out, and everyone knew about it. Perhaps these two had not spoken to each other in a while, and they tended to avoid each other. Even if they were not talking, others likely were talking about them—so it’s no surprise that Paul himself had heard about it.

Most congregations have a scenario or two in which some members nurse a grudge against one another. Sadly, in some situations people conclude that there’s no fixing it, so they resolve to put up with it. “I’m not stepping into the middle of that one!” we might say, or, “I wouldn’t touch that one with a ten-foot pole!”

But Paul stepped in. We cannot be united in Christ and yet be at odds with one another. Strained relationships may not be easy to repair. But we are called to try.

As Paul puts it, it’s not just about having the same mind but having the same mind “in the Lord.” The Lord himself is involved with our disagreements, and we need to resolve them for his sake.


Lord, you know our conflicts with others as well as we do. Give us the courage to become of one mind with our sisters and brothers. Give us that courage for your own sake. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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