



“你们从前远离神的人,如今却在基督耶稣里,靠着他的血,已经得亲近了。” - 弗 2:13


如果我们跟随基督,那么我们和神的关系会透过与人的关系表现出来,二者是连在一起的。但我们常常忘记这一点。我们很容易以种族、宗教、性别、教会、社区、家庭、朋友圈以及其它的名义来制造隔阂。尽管这些差异能帮助我们认识自己的身份, 但我们的罪性使我们曲解这些,在人与人之间立起高墙。我们庆祝多样化,但它不应导致分裂。







 Called To Remember

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. — Ephesians 2:13



If we follow Christ, we have a relationship with God that is bound to be expressed in our relationships with other people. But we often forget that. We can easily create barriers in the name of race, religion, gender, churches, communities, families, friend groups, and more. While these differences can help us think about who we are, our sinful nature distorts them in such a way that we put up walls that divide us. We should celebrate diversity, but it should not lead to division.

The apostle Paul says we can find unity in the foundation that has already been laid in Christ. Being connected to one another increases our effectiveness as God’s people. It increases our strength as well as our worth. In the ultimate act of hospitality, God sent his Son, Jesus, making reconciliation possible between us and God.

Through Christ’s work on the cross, we are united as his people once and for all. Unless this is the case, there is no good news. Unless this is the case, we are lost in our sin—excluded from the kingdom and separate from Christ.

We celebrate that the dividing wall has come down. Paul urges us to remember that we were once excluded but that God drew us near to himself so that we can become “one new humanity,” inviting everyone to join God’s household in Christ.


God, you went to great lengths to bring us into your family. Help us remember, and make us generous in welcoming others into the family too. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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