



“耶稣见他们的信心,就对瘫子说,小子,你的罪赦了。” - 可 2:5









 Seeing Jesus Through The Crowd

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” — Mark 2:5



This is one of several gospel stories in which we see people approach Jesus in order to help a friend or loved one. So many people had gathered that the house was full. Some were curious; some were suspicious; some may even have come to stir up trouble. It was “standing room only,” and the friends of the paralyzed man could find no way in. Did no one see their need and offer to let them pass through? Perhaps we have all been guilty of that—so focused on our own interests that we can’t see the needs around us.

The four friends refused to let their friend be overlooked. They decided to lower him through the roof of the house to see Jesus. It had to be an incredible group effort. Jesus saw it too, and he recognized the depth of their faith in going so far to bring their friend to him.

Christians have had many opportunities to help others. When natural disasters strike, for example, churches and Christian organizations have mobilized teams to go out and build or repair homes, donate food and clothes, and provide funds where needed. Perhaps you have helped in such efforts, or with community development or medical clinics. There are needs everywhere!

Let’s keep our eyes open to see people around us today who need help and may also need to meet Jesus. They are precious to the Lord and well worth our efforts.


Father, we get so focused on our own needs that we sometimes fail to recognize people with even greater needs. Give us eyes to see and courage to act in your name. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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