



“凡投靠他的,他便作他们的盾牌。” - 诗 18:30


有一座巨型岩石俯瞰着加拿大卑诗省斯阔米什市(Squamish);这座巨大的花岗独石名名字叫作史坦沃姆斯峰(Stawamus Chief),峰顶的高度超过海拔700米(765码)。如果你有足够耐力攀登崎岖山路,你可以登上峰顶,从那儿你便可以观赏到下面的山谷美景。这个地方对当地居民是很重要的,因为岩石使他们想起创造主,虽然他们并不完全认识衪。







 God Is My Rock

"He shields all who take refuge in him." - Psalm 18:30



Overlooking the town of Squamish, British Columbia, is a huge rock, an enormous granite monolith called Stawamus Chief. At its tallest point, the Chief is over 700 meters (765 yards) above sea level. If you can handle a rugged hike, you can climb it and take in spectacular views of the valley below. It is also an important place for the Indigenous people who live here because it reminds them of the Creator, even if they don’t know him fully.

When we pray with the psalmist, “God is my Rock, in whom I take refuge,” we aren’t using an image of a small polished rock that we can put in our pocket. We are also not thinking of the rock as cold, hard, and unfeeling.

Instead we are thinking of other characteristics, such as protection, shelter, and solid reliability. In the Bible, God has revealed himself to be faithful, dependable, and strong. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God has unparalleled majesty, power, and endurance. There is no one like him.

This is why, for any reason, we can hide ourselves in the cleft of our chief, our protector, our God—our Rock—and he will provide shelter for us. He will keep us safe from the storm.


O God, our Rock, we turn to you and give you praise because you are strong and powerful. We hide ourselves in you and thank you for surrounding and protecting us. In your perfect name, Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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