



“神 …… 可以见证我怎样不住地提到你们,在祷告之间常常恳求。” - 罗 1:9-10

? 灵修

我们祷告,需要在赞美、代求、感谢,和认罪这几方面有所平衡。我们务要记着,除非我们承认那些可能妨碍我们祷告的罪,否则我们不能真的在祷告中赞美神。如果我们和神和邻舍的关系恶劣,我们的祷告也不会有果效了。耶稣毫无保留地这样教导我们每天祈求说:“免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债” (马太福音 6:12)。

当我们一起走信心之路时,彼此代求是我们的使命。在《团契生活》一书中,作者迪特里希·潘霍华说: “我们有责任天天藉彼此代求来服事神和服事弟兄,这是神的恩典所赐的礼物。” 无论在敬拜或是在开车上班途中,我们都可以彼此代求,祷告的基督徒在何时何地也可以祷告,而他们的祷告是真的有效的。

我们一方面为别人祷告,另一方面也不要怕请求别人为我们祷告。每一个人的生活都是复杂的,当我们为别人祷告或请别人为我们祷告时,我们之间的联系便增强了,而我们对我们代祷的对象的态度也往往有所改进。毕竟,耶稣吩咐我们,我们甚至要爱我们的仇敌,祂说:“为那逼迫你们的祷告。” (马太福音 5:44)

为人代祷之后,我们可以考虑再送上一个这样的短信作为鼓励:“我在祷告中记念你。” 你更可以加上一句:“请你也为我祷告。”

? 祷告



? "I'm Praying For You; Please Pray For Me"

"God ... is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times." — Romans 1:9-10

? Devotion

Our prayers need a balance of praise, intercession, thanksgiving, and confession. It's important for us to remember that praise cannot really take place until there's a confessing of sins that might be hindering our prayers. We cannot pray effectively if things aren't right between ourselves and God as well as between ourselves and our neighbors. Jesus leaves little doubt about it, teaching us to ask daily, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" (Matthew 6:12).

Praying for one another is our calling as we journey in faith together. In his book Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer says, "Intercession is a daily service we owe to God and our brother. It's a gift of God's grace." It can happen in worship as well as while driving to work. Praying Christians pray anytime and anywhere—and they truly make a difference.

While we pray for others, we must not be afraid to ask others to pray for us. Life is complicated for everyone. When praying for others or asking for prayer, our bond of unity is strengthened. Our attitude toward those for whom we pray often changes us. After all, Jesus calls us to love even our enemies, and he says, "Pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).

As a follow-up to praying for someone, consider sending a note of encouragement: "I'm remembering you in my prayers." And you might also add, "Please pray for me too."

? Prayer

Help us, Lord, to keep praying for each other and growing together in your grace and love. Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳










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