
每日箴言(中英)|约拿 — 彰显了神的恩典



“我知道你是有恩典,有怜悯的神,不轻易发怒,有丰盛的慈爱。” - 拿 4:2

? 灵修

约拿的故事被认为是圣经里面最紧张刺激的故事之一。但是这卷书并不是以一个英雄的名字命名的——因为约拿并不是英雄。在故事开头他逃离神,在故事结尾他又与神争论。约拿这卷书更多是在讲神,以及神的爱多么浩大。神从未弃绝约拿——他逃跑的时候没有,坐在蓖麻下撅嘴生气的时候也没有(约拿书 4:6-9)。

神从海上风暴中拯救了约拿。祂差遣一条大鱼吞下他,后来又把他吐在旱地上(约拿书 2:10)。约拿并不是配得拯救,然而神却救了他,并且以独特的方式供应他。


这就是为什么耶稣称自己的埋葬和复活是“先知约拿的神迹”(马太福音 12:39)。正如约拿被葬在鱼腹中,耶稣也被葬在土里。正如约拿从鱼腹里出来,耶稣也从坟墓里出来了。


? 祷告



? Unforgiving Jonah

"I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love." — Jonah 4:2

? Devotion

The story of Jonah is among the most exciting stories in the Bible. But this book of the Bible is not named after a hero—Jonah is no hero. At the beginning of the story, he is running away from God, and at the end, he is arguing with God. The book of Jonah is more about God and how great God's love is. God never gives up on Jonah—not when he runs away and not when he sits under a vine and pouts (Jonah 4:6-9).

God saves Jonah from the sea storm by providing a great fish to swallow him and then to vomit him out later on dry land (Jonah 2:10). Jonah doesn't deserve to be saved, and yet God saves him and provides for him in extraordinary ways.

There's a name for what God does here—grace. Our God is gracious and abounding in love—even though we don't deserve his love. The grace God showed Jonah is the grace we receive through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

That's why Jesus calls his own burial and resurrection "the sign of the prophet Jonah" (Matthew 12:39). As Jonah was buried in the fish, Jesus was buried in the earth. As Jonah came out of the fish, Jesus came out of the tomb.

Jonah's story points us to Jesus' story, and Jesus' story tells us how far God will go on our behalf—all the way down to a manger, all the way up on a cross.

? Prayer

Lord Jesus, you came to be the friend of sinners. We are so glad because you are our friend and Savior. Thank you for giving us a second chance. In your name, Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳










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