



“耶和华的使者向基甸显现,对他说,大能的勇士阿,耶和华与你同在。” - 士 6:12

? 灵修



我们一再看到基甸的胆小和不确定,但我们不应该对他太苛刻。他的焦虑和犹豫只凸显了一个事实:神分派给他的任务是众寡悬殊的。尽管一开始有好几万人可以上阵(士 7:3,8),神却只使用了基甸和一小支部队,为要教导祂的百姓,这场战役是属于耶和华的。到了晚上,基甸和跟随他的人进入米甸人的营中,打破瓶子,手拿火把,吹角;这个时候是神亲自将敌人赶出了以色列。


? 祷告



Unlikely Heroes (Symbol: Clay Jar)

"When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior." — Judges 6:12


? Devotion

In this story, Gideon goes on to become a successful military leader (see Judges 7). But that’s surprising when we consider how the story begins.

The angel of the Lord greets Gideon with the words, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.” But where is Gideon when the angel greets him? Polishing his armor? Mustering the troops? No. He’s threshing grain in a winepress, hiding out from marauding Midianites, who are a constant threat to the Israelites at that time. So Gideon is not acting like a mighty warrior but more like a coward.

Repeatedly we see Gideon as timid and uncertain, but we should not be too hard on him. His anxiety and hesitation simply highlight the fact that God is setting him up with impossible odds. By using Gideon and just a small army, even though many thousands of soldiers were available (Judges 7:3, 8), God is teaching his people that the battle belongs to the Lord. When Gideon and his men finally enter the Midianite camp at night, smashing clay jars, carrying torches, and blowing trumpets, God himself routs the enemies of Israel.

Weak men and fragile jars point to the coming of the Lord and Savior as a helpless, human baby. The battle belongs to the Lord.

? Prayer

By ourselves we are like clay jars, Lord, and only in you, Jesus, can we become mighty warriors of your kingdom. Frail though we are, please use us for the coming of your kingdom and your glory. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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