



“他顾念我们在卑微的地步,因他的慈爱永远长存。” - 诗 136:23


“主的恩典样样都要数 ……。” 这是一首基督徒颂唱了超过一百年的古老圣诗的其中两句,时至今天,它里面的信息仍然那么重要的。事实上在我们的天路历程中,数算神赐给我们的恩典,是不可或缺的。

算起来已经超过二千年,诗篇136篇一直这样提醒我们,它激励神的子民要一起记念神的美善。在这首诗篇中,我们清楚看到一个宣召和回应的模式。当神的子民一起唱颂这诗的时候,带领敬拜的人会唱第一句,百姓接着以这个副歌 “因他的慈爱永远长存” 来回应。他们一次又一次数算神为他们所作的一切——释放他们、喂养他们、记念他们。当他们一面数算神众多的恩典,便一面回应说:“他的慈爱永远长存。”

有的时候,当我与神的子民一起敬拜时,我感受到这节奏优美的诗篇带来的回响。当讲坛上宣讲神的恩典和赦免时,会众就以感谢的诗歌回应;当讲坛上述说耶稣拯救及神的灵在我们中间作工时,会众就满心感恩献上自已,事奉上帝。敬拜结束时,信徒得到神祝福的应许,就欢喜快乐领受和同说 “阿们”了。





 Counting Our Blessings

"He remembered us in our low estate . . . His love endures forever." — Psalm 136:23


“Count your blessings, name them one by one. . . .” These words are part of an old hymn Christians have sung for more than 100 years, and the message is still important today. Central to the pilgrim journey we travel is taking stock of the gifts God has given us.

Psalm 136 has reminded people of this fact for well over 2,000 years, and it urges us to remember God’s goodness in community. In this psalm we can see a clear call-and-response format. As God’s people sang this psalm together, a worship leader would sing the first phrase, and the people would respond with the refrain “His love endures forever.” Again and again they would recount what God had done for them—from freeing them, to feeding them, to remembering them. And as they counted their blessings, they would say, “His loves endures forever.”

Sometimes while worshiping with God’s people, I notice echoes of this psalm’s graceful rhythms. The wonders of God’s grace and forgiveness are declared, and the people sing a hymn of thanksgiving. The good news that Jesus saves and that God’s Spirit is at work among us is preached, and the people commit themselves to grateful service. At the end of the worship time, God’s promise of blessing is spoken over his people, and they receive it joyfully with an “Amen.”

With whom will you join to count your blessings today?


Lord, your works are wonderful. You have remembered us. Your love endures forever. Thank you. In Jesus, Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳





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