



“凡有气息的,都要赞美耶和华!你们要赞美耶和华!” - 诗 150:6



这是一个好消息,因为,就如我们从前说过的,诗篇反映人生包罗万有的经历。诗篇质疑生命中的不公平的,它表达愤慨和失望、悲叹和忧伤。它谈到神的律法和公义,并我们如何挣扎行在神的道路上。我不能数尽有多少次,我在医院病床旁边、对着悲伤的配偶或家人、或者对着正在坐牢的人,诵读或引用诗篇的话。在我们的人生中,诗篇发出的问题,其实也是我们的问题,比如 “耶和华啊,…… 要到几时呢?” …… “耶和华啊,谁能像你?” …… “我为何……时常哀痛呢?” …… “我往哪里去躲避你的灵?” (诗篇 13:1; 35:10; 43:2; 139:7)。

多么好的一个消息,我们可以把我们一切的挣扎、喜乐,和疑问,都带到主面前。整卷诗篇以赞美的话作为结束,因为这正是我们生命和整个人类历史的轨迹。人世间的痛苦跟邪恶不能决定我们的命运,唯有神的拯救才能。这个世界会有美好的终局,远超过我们所能想像的。所以, “凡有气息的,都要赞美耶和华。”




 Good News

"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." — Psalm 150:6


There is no doubt about it: Psalm 150 pours out praise from a grateful heart. The psalmist joyously declares whom, where, why, and even how we should praise—with every noise-making instrument available. This final psalm in the prayer book of God’s people ends on a note of jubilant praise.

This is good news. It’s good news because, as we have already noted, the psalms reflect the breadth of human experience. The psalms address life’s unfairness. They express anger and despair, lament and sadness. They speak of God’s laws and righteousness and of our own struggle to walk in God’s ways. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read or spoken words from the psalms at a hospital bedside, to a grieving spouse or family, or to someone in jail or prison. As we go about life, the questions asked in the psalms are ours too. “How long, LORD?” . . . “Who is like you, LORD?” . . . “Why must I go about mourning?” . . . “Where can I go from your Spirit?” (Psalm 13:1; 35:10; 43:2; 139:7).

It’s good news that we can bring all our struggles and our joys and our wonderings to the Lord. The psalms end in praise because that’s the trajectory of our lives and all human history. The suffering and evil in our world do not get the final word. God’s deliverance does. The end is good beyond our imagining. So “let everything that has breath praise the LORD.”


With hearts filled with gratitude for your deliverance, we praise you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳





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