



“我告诉你,她许多的罪都赦免了,因为她的爱多;但那赦免少的,他的爱就少。” - 路 7:47


多年前有一首脍炙人口的流行曲,歌名是 “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” (不要忧虑,只管快乐),这首歌的轻快旋律跟简单信息几乎令你相信,只要把一切的烦恼都藏起来,并且强装欢笑,你就会欢喜快乐了。


感谢是一个回应。感谢不是指漠视我们生命中发生的事,乃是选择面对和接受一切现实。耶稣对待那 “是罪人” 的妇人的方式,美妙地说明这个真理。你看,法利赛人把他所有的罪都隐藏在自以为义和自给自足的外表里面,他选择漠视自己的破碎和罪得赦免的深切需耍,他忘恩负义的心产生可怕的苦毒,以致于那位拯救世人和拯救他灵魂的救主站在他面前,他竟完全看不见。






 What’s Under Your Rug?

"I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little." — Luke 7:47


Years ago there was a popular song with a catchy tune called “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Its bright melody and simple message could almost convince you that brushing all your worries under a rug and forcing a smile could fill you with happiness.

But true happiness doesn’t work like that. Instead, it’s bundled up with gratitude.

Gratitude is always a response. Gratitude depends not on ignoring what’s going on in our lives, but in choosing to see and accept the deepest reality about our existence. Jesus’ encounter with the woman “who lived a sinful life” demonstrates this beautifully. You see, the Pharisee had swept all of his sins under the rug of self-righteousness and self-sufficiency. He chose to ignore the truth of his brokenness and his deep need for forgiveness. His ingratitude produced a toxic bitterness that caused him to completely miss the fact that the Savior of the world and of his soul was standing right in front of him.

The woman didn’t miss that. There could be no sweeping of sins under the rug for her. Everyone seemed to know about them anyway. So, acknowledging her brokenness and receiving the forgiveness Jesus offers, her heart and her hands poured out her gratitude.

What’s under your rug? What’s under mine? Let’s bring it out, acknowledge it, and accept the forgiveness that Jesus offers.


Lord, may we overflow with gratitude for your forgiveness of all our sins. In your name, Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳





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