



“凡事要奉我们主耶稣基督的名,常常感谢父神。” - 弗 5:20




我记得三十多年前,在我工作地方的休息室发生的一件事。几个人正在谈论一个不在场的人,而且对这人下的假设和批判颇为刻薄的。这个时候,一位同事站起来说:“我们这样谈论一个不在场为自己辩护的同工是不对的。” 你可以想像,整个休息室都寂静下来了。

就在那一刻,基督的光照亮了黑暗,因为我们得到了提醒,应该怎样去爱和尊重我们的 “邻舍”。今天,愿我们也尽量把握每一个机会,以感谢的心发出基督的光。




 Grateful Shining

"Always [give] thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." — Ephesians 5:20


In today’s Scripture verses, Paul urges his readers to live as light in a world of darkness. Believers in Christ can do that by living wisely, trusting that wise, godly behavior will serve as a witness to the living Christ.

Sometimes we mistakenly think that witnessing to our faith means only knocking on doors or traveling to faraway lands to talk about the love of Jesus. In reality, shining the light of Christ’s love can happen in our everyday lives all of the time. It happens when we recognize we are new creations in Christ. Centered in gratitude for what Christ has done for us, we are empowered to love and respect the great variety of people God brings into contact with us.

I remember an incident that happened over 30 years ago in the breakroom at my workplace. Several people had started a conversation about a person who wasn’t there. The assumptions and comments about this person were not kind. One of my colleagues stood up and said, “It’s not right to be talking about our coworker in this way without her being present to defend herself.” As you can imagine, the room fell silent.

The light of Christ shone into the darkness of that moment as we were reminded how to love and respect our “neighbor.” May we too make the most of every opportunity today to gratefully shine the light of Christ.


Light of the world, may our gratitude for all that you have done for us empower us to shine your light today. In your name we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳





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