



“又感谢父,叫我们能与众圣徒在光明中同得基业。” - 西 1:12



一般来说,遗产是继承人白白领受的,我们从神那里所得到的遗产(编者按:圣经称之为 “基业”)就是这样,是神自己赐我们权利去承受祂对我们应许的基业,这个权利跟我们的好行为、我们纯正的教义、模范的祷告,甚或能够移山的信心,都没有任何关系。

我们之所以有权利承受光明天国的基业,是因为充满恩典的神已经在基督里拯救了我们。如果由着我们自己决定,我们只会继续走在一条远离神的道路上。保罗提醒我们,神藉着基督赦免我们的罪,又叫祂的灵帮助我们过一个感恩的生活。除此以外,我们更可以得着 “不能朽坏、不能玷污、不能衰残、为〔我们〕存留在天上的基业” (彼得前书 1:4)。这一切出于神的慷慨和恩典的好处,激励神儿女的心,使他们喜乐地献上感谢。愿你我今天也会这样做。




 Joyful Inheritance

" [Give] joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light." — Colossians 1:12


Sometimes pastors are called into situations in church members’ lives that they’d rather not know about. A pastor friend of mine dealt with a complicated inheritance dilemma in which family members were deeply divided and estranged from one another. It was sad to see that what was given in generosity was received with envy and ingratitude.

An inheritance is generally something unearned by the one who receives it. This is certainly the case with the inheritance we receive from God. It is God who qualifies us to receive our promised inheritance. It has nothing to do with our good behavior, or our right doctrine or exemplary prayers, or even our faith that could move a mountain.

What qualifies us for our inheritance in the kingdom of light is our having been rescued in Christ by God’s amazing grace. If it were up to us alone, we would continue down a path that takes us away from God. Paul reminds us that God, through Christ, forgives our sins and by his Spirit enables us to lead lives of gratitude. What’s more, we are given “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for [us]” (1 Peter 1:4). All of these benefits, given with generosity and grace, move God’s children to give joyful thanks. May it be so for us today.


Generous God, you promise us an inheritance that will not spoil or fade. Help us to be ever grateful for the new life you give us in Christ. Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳





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