



“从前丢大起来,...... 此后,...... 又有加利利的犹大起来,引诱些百姓跟从他。” - 徒 5:36-37


圣经提到有些领袖自称是弥赛亚,今天的经文则描述了他们当中两个人;他们有些想发动政治革命,从该撒和罗马人手上赢得自由。在谈到这些暴乱和论到主再来之前的大灾难,耶稣亲自这样警告说“假基督、假先知将要起来”, 他们当中甚至会尝试用“神迹奇事”来迷惑众人 (马可福音13:22)。

然而,唯有耶稣才是真正的弥赛亚,祂应验了很久以前在旧约圣经中的应许。像摩西带领以色列民出埃及那样,耶稣离开埃及 (马太福音2:19-20) 、在旷野中遭受试探 (4:1-11) 、以及新的诫命教导听从祂的人 (5:21-48) 、平静风浪来让祂门徒平安到达彼岸 (8:23-27) 、用新的吗哪喂饱跟随祂的人 (14:15-21),以及把神曾应许的安息赐给祂的子民 (11:28),祂更应许把永远的保障赐给爱祂的人 (28:20)。






 Claiming To Be The Messiah

“Some time ago Theudas appeared. . . . After him Judas of Galilee . . . led a band of people in revolt.” — Acts 5:36-37


The Bible mentions various leaders who claimed to be the Messiah. Our verses for today describe a couple of them. Some wanted to start a political revolution and win freedom from Caesar and the Romans. Speaking about revolts like these as well as a time of great distress before his second coming, Jesus himself warned, “False messiahs and false prophets will appear,” and some of them will try to deceive many with “signs and wonders” (Mark 13:22).

But only Jesus is the true Messiah. He fulfilled the ages-old promises of the Old Testament. Like Moses leading Israel during the exodus, Jesus left Egypt (Matthew 2:19-20), sustained the testing of the wilderness (4:1-11), taught his listeners new commandments (5:21-48), calmed the chaos of the water so that his disciples could safely reach the other side (8:23-27), fed his followers with new manna (14:15-21), and supplied his people with promised rest (11:28). He also promised eternal security for those who love him (28:20).

Those same blessings and more are available for you and me. We are delivered from our slavery to sin. No temptation can overwhelm us. Jesus travels with us through trying times, gives us daily nourishment, shows us how to live abundant lives, and provides rest in the midst of our busyness.

Are you experiencing these gifts of love and grace?


Lord, thank you for your presence and your gracious love and care, both now and forever. Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳





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