



“耶和华对我主说:‘你坐在我的右边,等我使你仇敌作你的脚凳。’” - 诗 110:1


在新约时代,人们认为诗篇第110篇是大卫所说的话,而耶稣正是基于这个理解,说明坐在神右边的弥赛亚的地位高过大卫,祂甚至是大卫的主 (参看马可福音12:35-37)。


耶稣赐给我们的恩典,实在远远超过我们可以或想像得到的。祂不单是我们的模范和老师,祂更是道成肉身的创造主。祂不单赦免了我们的罪,祂更把这些罪埋在最深的海洋里,永远不再提起它们。耶稣不单帮助我们抵挡试探,我们更与祂一同钉死,不再受试探的权势辖制。我们不单将来会回到天家,我们其实已经与基督一同坐在天上了 (以弗所书2:6)。因着祂无条件的爱,我们不用再负担我们的罪疚;因着耶稣坐在神的右边,祂和我们的每一个仇敌都服在祂的脚下。让我们为这数不尽的福分赞美祂吧!




 Someone Greater Than We Can Imagine

The Lord says to my lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” — Psalm 110:1


In New Testament times, Psalm 110 was understood as spoken by David. Jesus used this assumption to show that the Messiah at God’s right hand is superior to David and is even the Lord of David (see Mark 12:35-37).

The New Testament explains that Jesus is superior to every hero in Israel. Jesus is not like any Israelite high priest but is more like Melchizedek, who was both king and priest, and is described in Hebrews 7:3 as being “without beginning of days or end of life.” Whereas Adam was made from dust, Jesus is from heaven. “Before Abraham was born, I am!” said Jesus (John 8:58). The gospels describe Jesus as greater than David, Solomon, and Jonah; greater than the temple; and Lord of the Sabbath.

Jesus offers us much more than we can think or imagine. Not only is he our example and teacher; he is our creator God in our flesh. Not only does he forgive our sins; he also buries them in the deepest sea, remembering them no more. Not only does Jesus help us fight temptation; we also are crucified with him and dead to temptation’s power. Not only are we going to heaven; we are also already seated in the heavenly realms with Christ (Ephesians 2:6). Because of his unconditional love, we no longer have to carry our guilt. Because Jesus sits at God’s right hand, every enemy of his and ours is under his feet. Praise Jesus for his countless blessings!


Lord Jesus, we praise you for being Lord of everything. Guide and comfort and sustain us today, we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云   片头: 张妙阳





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