



“内中有一个人 ...... 拿海绒蘸满了醋 ...... 送给他喝。” - 太27:48


诗篇69篇描述了很多耶稣亲身的经历。例如,“我为你的殿心里焦急,如同火烧”这句话,这形容耶稣为圣殿担忧 (约翰福音2:13-17)。同样,经文所提到的辱骂、嘲弄,以及喝醋,都和耶稣在十字架上受的苦非常相近。耶稣活在世上和教导我们时忍受过诸般痛苦,以上都只不过是其中一小部分的例子。这些经文,再加上其他的经文,编织成一幅镶嵌画,描绘出耶稣一生的事迹。


然而,因着耶稣,我们可以肯定,世人的经历,不论如何负面或可怕,没有一件是耶稣不曾经历过的。让我们记着,祂的十字架 (那执行残酷的死刑时使用的刑具) 已经成为基督教的标记了。





 The Messiah Endured Evil For Us

One of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar . . . and offered it to Jesus to drink. — Matthew 27:48


Psalm 69 contains a wealth of descriptions that Jesus himself experienced. For example, “Zeal for your house consumes me” describes Jesus’ concern for the temple (John 2:13-17). Similarly the references about scorn and mockery and vinegar to drink relate closely to Jesus’ experience on the cross. This is just a small sampling of the many sufferings Jesus endured while he lived and taught among us on this earth. These and other verses weave a descriptive mosaic portraying the events of Jesus’ life.

In some ways we may feel that our experiences in life are similar to the descriptions here. We call out to God for help, and in specific struggles it can be difficult to see God’s providence. We can see God working best when we look back over the big picture of our life.

Because of Jesus, though, we can be assured that there is no human experience, no matter how negative or gruesome, that Jesus did not encounter. Remember that his cross, the instrument of excruciating capital punishment, has become the emblem of Christianity.

From Jesus’ sufferings we learn that there is no human struggle that we have to undergo alone. Jesus promises to be with us always, whatever happens. He walks alongside us every step of the way.


We confess, Lord Jesus, that when negative events occur in our lives, we can feel far away from you. Please assure us of your presence and show yourself in every event of our lives. In your name we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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