
每日箴言(中英)|耶稣应验了整本圣经 Jesus Fulfills All Of Scripture



“摩西的律法、先知的书和诗篇上所记的,凡指着我的话都必须应验。” - 路24:44



读今天这两段经文,我们肯定留意到它们之间相似处。我们也知道,整本圣经都是神所默示的 (提摩太后书3:16-17),而写圣经的目的,就是让我们可以从中学习、使我们得福,并且叫我们相信神。




父啊,我们承认有时我们会质疑祢的话语,和对祢的应许感到疑惑。今天求祢再次向我们保证耶稣是万主之主和万王之王,也是祢应许的弥赛亚。惟愿我们怀着信心宣告,说:“耶稣是我们一切所需的。” 奉祂的名祷告,阿们。


Jesus Fulfills All Of Scripture

“Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.” — Luke 24:44


For 21st-century people today the fulfillment of Old Testament texts in the New Testament may seem a bit farfetched. Yes, there are some similarities in the references to 30 pieces of silver in Zechariah 11 and Matthew 27. But there are also many differences. In the New Testament it is Judas and not the shepherd who throws thirty pieces of silver into the temple. So, does Zechariah really point to Jesus in this passage?

As we read these passages today, we certainly can note the similarities in them. And we know that the entire Bible has been inspired by God (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17) and written for us to learn, to be blessed, and to believe.

What is unique about Jesus is that he fulfills every type of literature in the Old Testament. Jesus is greater than Moses, Joshua, David, and Elijah in the historical literature. Jesus fulfils the predictions of the prophets. Jesus is clearly visible in both the messianic kingly psalms as well as the suffering-servant songs.

Wherever we are reading in the Old Testament, we can see that it points forward to the One who has provided salvation for us. The whole of Scripture is one story. Jesus is all we need. So let that be our confession today: “Jesus is all we need.”


Father, we confess that from time to time we question your Word, and we wonder about your promises. Reassure us today that Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings, the promised Messiah. And may we confess, “Jesus is all we need.” Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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