
每日箴言(中英)|耶稣,为我们成为咒诅 Jesus Became A Curse For Us



“被挂的人是在神面前受咒诅的。” - 申21:23


如果照字面解释,这段旧约圣经经文好像在说,耶稣受神咒诅,是因为祂被挂在木头上 (木头也可翻译为“树”)。

不过,保罗在加拉太书3:13提出了一个清楚的解释,那里说:“基督既为我们受了咒诅,就赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅,因为经上记着:‘凡挂在木头上都是被咒诅的。’ ”保罗在这里教导我们,读旧约圣经,我们要从耶稣的十架和复活的角度来读。藉着祂的死,耶稣代表世界上每一个人承受了神的咒诅,好叫每一个信徒都得到祝福。保罗进一步解释说:“这便叫亚伯拉罕的福,因基督耶稣可以临到外邦人。” 亚伯拉罕的福——他因信神的应许被算为他的义——现在已经临到世界各地的人 (外邦人)。同样,我们也可以因着相信基督得福了。






 Jesus Became A Curse For Us

Anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse. — Deuteronomy 21:23


Taking this Old Testament Scripture literally seems to imply that Jesus is cursed by God because he was crucified on a pole (also translated as “tree”).

However, Paul offers a clarifying interpretation in Galatians 3:13: “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.’” Here Paul teaches us to read the Old Testament through the lens of Jesus’ cross and resurrection. In his death, Jesus represents every human being. He took the curse of God on himself so that every believer would be blessed rather than cursed. Then Paul explains further, “He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus.” The blessing given to Abraham— that he was credited with righteousness for believing God’s promises—is now for people of all nations (the Gentiles). We can be similarly blessed by having faith in Christ.

Jesus became a curse for us all so that all our sins could be forgiven. Jesus experienced hell and separation from God so that we would never be separated from God. Jesus became a curse so that we could be redeemed from the curse of the law.

What a tremendous blessing for all who believe in Jesus as their Savior from sin. Do you believe in him?


Thank you, Jesus, for taking the curse of the law upon yourself, redeeming us from our slavery to sin. You have set us free and given us new life! Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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