
每日箴言(中英)|人子是谁? Who Is The Son Of Man



“人算什么,你竟顾念他?世人算什么,你竟眷顾他?你叫他比天使微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。” - 诗 8:4-5



希伯来书2:8说:“如今我们还不见万物都服他们。”这段经文的他们是指世人;但是其他版本的圣经把这句话翻译为 “服他。” 有趣的是,这两句话都是正确的,可惜任何一个译本都不能同时表达两个真理。惟有藉着基督战胜死亡、疾病、魔鬼,和万国的权势,世人才可得到这荣耀尊贵的冠冕。

耶稣经常自称为人子 (马可福音14:62),而祂也时常被人称为世人之子、受苦的人子,和高高在天上的人子。耶稣应验了诗篇第8篇所说的,祂成为我们的代表。





 Who Is The Son Of Man?

What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. — Psalm 8:4-5


Our verses for today talk about “human beings,” but the Hebrew word there in Psalm 8 can also mean “son of man.” So who is this passage talking about?

Hebrews 2:8 states, “At present we do not see everything subject to them,” applying the passage to all human beings. But other Bible versions have translated this phrase as “subject to him.” Interestingly, both statements are true, but one translation cannot capture both truths. Human beings can be crowned with glory and honor only through Christ’s victory over death, disease, the devil, and dominion over all nations.

Jesus often referred to himself as the Son of Man (Mark 14:62). And he is often described as the human son of man, the suffering son of man, and the exalted heavenly Son of Man. Jesus fulfills Psalm 8 and becomes our representative.

So along with Jesus as the human son of man we can take our place as the crown of creation. We have authority in this world to reshape politics, economics, art, sports, science, medicine, and religion according to God’s wisdom and righteousness. In addition, we have the privilege of inviting people into God’s kingdom to begin new life in Christ today, anticipating the hope of the world to come.


We praise you, Jesus, that all things in heaven and earth are under your feet. May we join you by living up to our calling as the crown of creation here on the earth today. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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