
每日箴言(中英)|耶稣,万膝跪拜的神 Every Knee Will Bow



“我是神,再没有别神!......万膝必向我跪拜,万口必凭我起誓。” - 赛45:22-23



旧约圣经称神为 “主”,今天的基督徒也把这个称号应用在耶稣身上,来表明祂在天上掌权以及受颂扬。使徒保罗在哥林多前书8:6说:“我们只有一位神,就是父,万物都本于他,我们也归于他;并有一位主,就是耶稣基督,万物都是藉着他有的,我们也是藉着他有的。” 父神和耶稣基督、加上圣灵,是合而为一的,我们必须用同一句话来称呼神和耶稣,因为耶稣就是神。


所以,在今天和每一天,我们都应当以耶稣基督的心为心。经上说:“他本有神的形像,...... 反倒虚已,取了奴仆的形像。” 今天是我们在耶稣面前屈膝、效法祂谦卑的时候了,这样我们才能服事别人。今天,我们的计划必须符合祂的旨意,我们的思想、言语,和行为,都不再被自私玷污,而由我们的主和救主耶稣的带领, “使荣耀归与父神。”




 Every Knee Will Bow

“I am God, and there is no other. . . . Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear.” — Isaiah 45:22-23


The beautiful words of Philippians 2 draw from Isaiah 45 to emphasize the glory and honor given to Jesus, our risen and ascended Savior. To him every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess he is Lord.

The term “Lord” was applied to God in the Old Testament, and Christians now apply this title to Jesus as well, recognizing his exaltation and rule in heaven. The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 8:6, “For us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.” God the Father and Jesus Christ are one, along with the Holy Spirit. God and Jesus must be confessed in the same sentence, because Jesus is God.

Peter calls Jesus “our God and Savior” (2 Peter 1:1), and Hebrews 1:3 says he is “the exact representation of [God’s] being.”

So, today and every day we should take on the mindset of Jesus Christ: “Who, being in very nature God . . . made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.” Today is the day to kneel before Jesus and take on his humility so that we can serve others. Today our plans should align with his will, having our thoughts, words, and deeds cleansed from selfishness and directed by Jesus, our Lord and Savior, “to the glory of God the Father.”


Lord Jesus, Savior, Messiah, Word of God, exalted Son of God and King, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we praise your holy name! Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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