
每日箴言(中英)|诗篇之中和诗篇以前的耶稣 Jesus In The Psalms—and Long Before



“神啊!我来了,为要照你的旨意行;我的事在经卷上已经记载了。” - 来10:7 (诗40:6-8)




在这个月,我们看过,旧约圣经怎样以很多不同的预表,来启示耶稣就是新约圣经中的弥赛亚、救主,和主。甚至在创造天地时,耶稣 (祂是神) 也在其中,而祂在整本旧约圣经中,都以不同的形式来说话。






 Jesus In The Psalms—and Long Before

“Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll—I have come to do your will, my God.” — Hebrews 10:7 (Psalm 40:6-8)


New Testament writers often point out that Jesus the Messiah and Savior was already speaking in the psalms of Israel before he was born as a human being. As our reading today in Hebrews shows, Christ is the speaker in Psalm 40. As we have noted earlier this month, Jesus is also featured in Psalms 22, 69, 110, and others.

In fact, Jesus as God has been present since before the beginning of time. Colossians 1:16-17 describes his supremacy this way: “In him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth . . . all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

This month we have witnessed how the Old Testament points forward in many ways to the revelation of Jesus as Messiah, Savior, and Lord in the New Testament. Jesus as God himself was even present at creation and spoke in many ways throughout the Old Testament.

We frequently make Jesus too small, emphasizing his being human more than his being God. In your everyday life, do you treat Jesus as all powerful, everywhere present, and all knowing? When we live our life in the presence of this Savior and King, every moment takes on eternal significance.

Jesus is almighty, alive, and at work over all things today. Do you believe and live by this?


Lord Jesus, your words cross the centuries, your acts are from beginning to end. May every moment of my life be lived in your eternal presence! In your all-powerful name, Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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