
【Testimony 见证】没有谁离救赎更远 No-one Is Beyond God's Redeeming Grace

The greatest gifts that God has given me, are HIS salvation-- story outlined below and also my beloved wife Helen and precious daughter Ming.I am British and they are Chinese, and although we come from different cultures, our love is strong. They are my heart and are so wonderful and amazing. They are my precious jewels--my beloved and our little one, who bring so much joy, love and pleasure into my life. But God is so real and precious to me.


Well I was born in Bradford in theUK.. many years ago!!When I was 5 I moved to Morecambe with my parents as they started a new job running a council owned retirement home.I was sent to church and Sunday school every week, under heavy protest.. I only went because we got Sunday school prizes and sweets.

My Favourite hymn back then was There is a Green Hill Far away, but I knew nothing of the reality of Knowing Christ. Although I sang it with passion.. I had no awareness of the living personal truth of it. I then went to another church, that was more of a social club to be honest.



Meanwhile at school things got worse, I was placed in the worst class, this was the class for people considered to be educationally slow and not likely to take exams. My Parents fought very hard for me to be moved to a better class and after two terms or semesters, I was placed in Class 4S. Now in that class was a fellow pupil called Andrew, who was a Christian. I had seen him about, but had taken no notice of him.

I was known for being the school clown, always pestering people, well I started to do this to Andrew, but he didn't respond, this upset me even more and I became determined to upset him.This went on for quite a few months, He was really getting to me, he had something different, I had never seen this before and it fascinated me.

There were also a couple of Christian teachers in the school, who were different.. I didn't understand why ( thanks John and Ruth).. these two had fallen in love whilst at school and got married.. and are still happily married today.. school romance is usually about pupils.. our school was different!!!!!

Well Andrew kept on at me, inviting me to some meetings on Saturday night.. OK I said.. But I want to be home for the Football at 10pm.





So one Saturday, I set off for Lancaster to Moorlands Gospel Hall.. a trip on the bus of 20 minutes and Andrew met me at the bus station and we walked up to the meeting place.The place was crowded.. songs were sung .. and then this man came to speak.. His Name was Victor Jack.. He spoke on Hell and what would happen if you died tonight.. if you did.. where would you go.?

For the first time, I became truly aware that I was a sinner before a Holy God, but also that God had provided a solution to my sin problem and that was Jesus.

I thought I was a good person, after all I lived in a christian country, lived in a good home, went to church and had never killed anyone, but the standards I had, were not God's perfect standard.




You see my friend.. Man has a problem. I had a problem that night.. you have a problem right now.. and that is you are alienated from God because of your sin.. there is a vast chasm separating you from God. But the chasm is no longer there as the Cross of Calvary has provided the answer.. but the question is.. will you accept and trust that perfect sacrifice that Jesus made?

At the end of the meeting the speaker said I am going into a side room, if anyone wants to come and see me there, they can become a christian, well all I can remember is closing my eyes and it was like a curtain going up on a stage, the light was suddenly turned on. I turned to Andrew and said 'I'm going in that room', his face lit up, I don't think he could believe it.We arrived at the room, just before someone else, if they had got in first, I don't think I would of carried it through.

Victor took me through the book Journey Into Life and at the end of the book, there is a prayer, prayed it and meant it. I knew that My sin had been dealt with because of what Jesus had done on the cross for me.

Mr Scott our form teacher had said to Andrew, Keith will never be saved, he is beyond redemption, I suppose it proves that no-one is beyond God's redeeming grace.





The changes were not instant and indeed took time, my word. The Lord has had some patience with me, of all his children, I think that I must be the most disobedient one, but ever since that night ,God has held me through my wanderings, through all mistakes and those have been many.

God's love is the most amazing thing you can ever experience.

Becoming a christian is not about saying a prayer or even going to church, if you go to Mcdonald's a lot, would that make you a hamburger? If you pray all day, does that make you a christian..


Becoming a christian, is a life changing experience, because it changes the heart. It takes repentance and faith in finished work of Christ on the cross, where God's mercy, grace, wrath and love all came together.






Now at age 56, Yes I am that old.. lol. I can now say that God is truly faithful, HE has brought me through so much. He alone is my love, my delight , my joy and my life.

A final word.. you may disregard this as the rantings of a deluded person.. but the same transforming experience, the same thing that happened to me, has happened to millions through the ages and is still happening today..

My Favourite hymn and the one that sums up my life is.. AMAZING GRACE




amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me 
奇异恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 
i once was lost, but now i'm found ,was blind, but now i see 
前我失丧 今被寻回  瞎眼今得看见 

'twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved 
如此恩典 使我敬畏 使我心得安慰 
how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed 
初信之时 即蒙恩惠  真是何等宝贵 

through many dangers, toils, and snares i have already come 
许多危险 试练网罗  我已安然经过 
'tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home 
靠主恩典 安全不怕  更引导我归家 

how sweet the name of jesus sounds in a believer's ear , 
闻主之名 犹如甘露 
it soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds and drives away his fear 
慰我疾苦 给我安宁 

must jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free 
以己一身  救赎世人 
no, there's a cross for everyone and there's a cross for me. 
舍弃自我  跟随我主 

when we've been here ten thousand years bright shining as the sun, 
将来禧年 圣徒欢聚  恩光爱谊千年 
we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we first begun 
喜乐颂赞 在父座前  深望那日快现 

These words are the story of my life, I hope and pray that you can say them also Christianity is the only faith that promises life transformation.. why don't you try it for yourself?


Written from my heart



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