The greatest shield of protection
we can provide for our children is prayer.
Ask God to place a protective, solid hedge around your children so that Satan cannot reach in and lead them into temptation and so they will be safe from harm (2 Thessalonians 3:3; Psalm 33:20).周一:求上帝在你的孩子与撒旦之间设立一座属灵的围墙,保护你的孩子们可以远离试探和凶恶。(帖撒罗尼迦后书3:3;诗篇33:20)
Pray that your children would use godly wisdom in selecting friends and peers that will make a positive difference in their lives. Ask God to give each child a discernment of people as well as knowing the difference between right and wrong (Proverbs 1:10; 18:24; Deuteronomy 13:6,8).周二:祷告求神帮助你的孩子可以有属天的智慧来结交朋友和伙伴,这些朋友可以在生活中给他们带来积极地影响。求神给你的孩子智慧可以辨别不同的人,同时也可以辨别是非。(箴言1:10;18:24;申命记13:6,8)
Pray that your children would stay pure in their thoughts and deeds (Psalm 24:4-5; Job 17:9).周三:祷告你的孩子们可以在思想和行为上都保持纯净。(诗篇24:4-5;约伯记17:9)
Pray that they will be caught if they wander into cheating, lies, or mischief (Hebrews 13:18-19).周四:祷告当你的孩子想要作弊时,说谎时,或者恶作剧时可以被拦阻。(希伯来书13:18-19)
Pray they will be alert and thinking clearly as they attend school and extra curricular activities and as they take exams. Ask God to help them be motivated to do the best they are capable of doing (Colossians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31).周五:祷告你的孩子们在他们上学,参加课外活动或者在参加考试时,可以时刻警醒,并头脑清晰。向上帝寻求帮助,他们可以将他们能力范围之内的事做到最好。(歌罗西书3:17,哥林多前书10:31)
Pray for the spouse each child will marry someday. Ask that they will come from godly homes and have an appetite to live the spiritual truth they've learned. Pray also that their goals and purpose will be the same as your own children and their future homes would be godly (Deuteronomy 5:29).周六:为你的每个孩子将来婚姻的配偶祷告,求神为他们预备一个神家的子民,并且愿意生活在耶稣基督的真理中。同样求神帮助这些未来的伴侣可以在灵里和你们的孩子有相同的追求,并且以婚姻荣耀神。(申命记5:29)
Ask God to help them live their lives for Him and that He will use them as a testimony and witness for His glory. Pray that they'll be grown to full spiritual maturity (Psalms 78:1-8, 103:17-18; Isaiah 54:13; Ephesians 3:20-21).周日:求神可以帮助他们将生活的目标设立在为神而活的基础上,并且为着神的荣耀作见证。祷告求神帮助他们可以达到属灵的成熟。(诗篇78:1-8,103:17-18;以赛亚书54:13)
Do not leave your children unprotected-that is, vulnerable to Satan's attack. The greatest shield of protection we as parents can provide for our children is prayer. It's never too late to start (1 Samuel 12:23; James 5:16; Colossians 4:2).不要让你的孩子毫无保护地暴露在撒旦的攻击之下,作为家长可以给予孩子最好的保护,就是为他们祷告。无论何时开始都不算晚。(撒母耳记上12:23;雅各书5:16;歌罗西书4:2)
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