
【婚恋】When Your Marriage Is Dying 当你的婚姻死去时

The very word reconciliation causes many separated couples to break out in a cold sweat. They panic at the thought of exposing their battered hearts to another potential beating. They're certain they can't face another rejection or betrayal. Sadly, few people are taught how to guard their heart and require trust to be re-earned when the covenant has been broken. They're so determined to avoid being vulnerable, they won't entertain thoughts of reconciliation. 

“和解”一词会让很多分居的夫妻吓出一身冷汗 。他们会害怕随之而来的争吵,他们认为几乎不能再面对拒绝和背叛。可悲的是,很少有人被教导如何保守他们的心,当誓约遭破坏时如何再次获得信任。人们为了避免受伤害,他们不愿意接受和解。

However, there are some essential steps couples must take if reconciliation is to be successful.


First, both spouses must be one hundred percent willing to do the hard work necessary to repair the marriage. The journey will be challenging, exasperating, and at times painful, but the results are worth it.


Second, if one or both spouses has had an intimate relationship (physical or emotional) with a third party, all communication with that person—phone calls, letters, e-mails, or visits—must end. If he or she works with the spouse, a job change should seriously be considered.


Third, both parties must be willing to go to counseling. The couple should take time to find the right Christian counselor, someone who is qualified to deal with issues that they're struggling with, such as, adultery, addiction, or abuse. Finding the right counselor is like buying a pair of shoes; sometimes you have to try on several pairs before you find the right fit.


Fourth, restoring a marriage takes time. Rushing the process and avoiding or downplaying painful issues typically leads to another separation and divorce. It's tragic when a marriage that could have been reconciled is destroyed because the root cause was never treated.

