
【Daily Bread】Solitude and Service 安静与服事

Solitude and Service


Turning down the volume of life allows you to listen to God.



He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed    those who needed healing.



Comedian Fred Allen said, “A celebrity is a person who works hard all    his life to become well-known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being       recognized.” Fame often brings loss of privacy along with a relentless       frenzy of attention.

喜剧演员佛瑞德·阿伦(Fred Allen)曾说:「所谓的名人,就是穷尽毕生之力让自己成名。之后,却又戴上墨镜,免得让人认出来。」有了名声通常也会失去隐私,有时还会引起群众疯狂持续的关注。

When Jesus began His public ministry of teaching and healing, He was    catapulted into the public eye and thronged by people seeking help.         Crowds followed Him wherever He went. But Jesus knew that having        regular time alone with God was essential to maintaining strength and    perspective.


After Jesus’ twelve disciples returned from their successful mission “to   proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick,” He took them to a      quiet place to rest (Luke 9:2,10). Soon, however, crowds of people found   them and Jesus welcomed them. He “spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing” (v. 11). Instead of sending      them away to find food, the Lord provided an outdoor picnic for 5,000!     (  vv. 12-17).

耶稣的十二个门徒成功地达成「宣传上帝国的道,医治病人」的任务之后,耶稣就带着他们到安静的地方去休息 (路加福音9210节) 。然而,群众很快地就跟了过去,耶稣接待他们,并且「对他们讲论上帝国的道,医治那些需医的人」 11节) 。耶稣也没有让他们自己解决晚餐,而是亲自为这五千人预备了一顿丰盛的户外野餐! 12-17节)

Jesus was not immune to the pressure of curious and hurting people, but He maintained the balance of public service and private solitude by          taking time for rest and for prayer alone with His Father (Luke 5:16).

耶稣身边总是围绕着好奇的民众以及痛苦的人们,但是祂会在服事之余,有个人的安静时间,让两者保持平衡。祂会安排时间,来到天父的面前休息、祷告 (路加福音516节) 

May we follow our Lord’s example as we serve others in His name.


Dear Father, as Jesus Your Son and our Savior honored You in solitude and  service to others, may we follow His example in our lives.


Read:Luke 9:1-2

When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

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