We can endure life’s wrongs because we know that God will make things right.
When the
Proverbs 16:7
David and 400 of his warriors thundered through the countryside in search of Nabal, a prosperous brute who had harshly refused to lend them help. David would have murdered him if he hadn’t first encountered Abigail, Nabal’s wife. She had packed up enough food to feed an army and traveled out to meet the troops, hoping to head off disaster. She respectfully reminded David that guilt would haunt him if he followed through with his vengeful plan (1 Sam. 25:31). David realized she was right and blessed her for her good judgment.
David’s anger was legitimate—he had protected Nabal’s shepherds in the wilderness (vv.14-17) and had been repaid evil for good. However, his anger was leading him into sin. David’s first instinct was to sink his sword into Nabal, even though he knew God did not approve of murder and revenge (Ex. 20:13; Lev. 19:18).
大卫的愤怒确实合情合理,他在旷野保护拿八的牧人(14-17节),却反遭拿八恩将仇报。然而,大卫的满腔怒火却差点让他陷于罪中。虽然大卫知道上帝说不可杀人和不可报仇(出埃及记20章13节;利未记19章18节) ,但在愤怒之下,他的第一个反应就是要拔刀杀了拿八。
When we’ve been offended, it’s good to compare our instincts with God’s intent for human behavior. We may be inclined to strike at people verbally, isolate ourselves, or escape through any number of ways. However, choosing a gracious response will help us avoid regret, and most important it will please God. When our desire is to honor God in our relationships, He is able to make even our enemies to be at peace with us (see Prov. 16:7).
当我们被人激怒,别按着内心的冲动行事,而要想想上帝要我们如何对待别人。我们在愤怒时可能会反唇相讥、自我封闭,甚至逃避问题。但是,选择谦和的回应却是上上之策,这非但不致让我们过后懊悔,更重要的是如此才蒙上帝的喜悦。若我们渴望在人际关系中尊荣主名,祂就能使我们与仇敌和好(箴言16章7节) 。
Lord, thank You for holding back Your anger
and having mercy on me.
Help me to walk in step with Your Spirit
so that my actions please You in every situation.
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