
【Daily Bread】In Transition 更换住处

Read: John 11:17-27

Because of Jesus, we can live forever.


We will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:17   



People post obituary notices on billboards and concrete block walls in Ghana regularly. Headlines such as Gone Too Soon, Celebration of Life, and What a Shock! announce the passing away of loved ones and the approaching funerals. One I read—In Transition—points to life beyond the grave.



When a close relative or friend dies, we sorrow as Mary and Martha did for their brother Lazarus (John 11:17-27). We miss the departed so much that our hearts break and we weep, as Jesus wept at the passing of His friend (v. 35).



Yet, it was at this sorrowful moment Jesus made a delightful statement on life after death: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will  live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die” (v. 25).



On the basis of this we give departed believers only a temporary farewell. For they “will be with the Lord forever,” Paul emphasizes (1 Thess. 4:17). Of course, farewells are painful, but we can rest assured that they are in the Lord’s safe hands.



In Transition suggests that we are only changing from one situation to another. Though life on earth ends for us, we will continue to live forever and better in the next life where Jesus is.“Therefore encourage one another with these words” (v. 18).



Prayer 祷告:

It is because of You, Jesus, that we have hope and are sure of a forever life. Were grateful.



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