
【Daily Bread】Test Match 漫无尽头

When your burdens overwhelm you, remember that God has His arms underneath you.



How long, Lord, will you look on? Rescue me from their ravages, my precious life from these lions. Psalm 35:17



A test match in the game of cricket can be grueling. Competitors play from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with lunch and tea breaks, but the games can last up to five days. It’s a test of endurance as well as skill.



The tests we face in life are sometimes intensified for a similar reason—they feel unending. The long search for a job, an unbroken season of loneliness, or a lengthy battle with cancer is made even more difficult by the fact that you wonder if it will ever end.



Perhaps that is why the psalmist cried out, “How long, Lord, will you look on? Rescue me from their ravages, my precious life from these lions” (Ps. 35:17). Bible commentaries say that this was speaking of the long period in David’s life when he was pursued by Saul and slandered by the king’s advisors—a time of trial that lasted for years.

或许正因如此,诗人呼求说:“主啊,祢看着不理要到几时呢?求祢救我的灵魂脱离他们的残害;救我的生命脱离少壮狮子!” (诗篇35篇17节) 有些圣经注释提到,这首诗作于大卫被扫罗追杀、受策士诬陷之时,那是一段漫长的日子,他受试炼达数年之久。


Yet, in the end, David sang, “The Lord be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant” (v. 27). His testing drove him to deeper trust in God—a trust that we can also experience in our own long seasons of testing, hardship, or loss.

然而,在诗篇35篇的结尾,大卫却高歌:“当尊耶和华为大!耶和华喜悦祂的仆人平安” (27节) 。大卫面对试炼,使他更加信靠上帝。同样地,漫长的试炼、艰难与失落,也能让我们更坚定地信靠上帝。


As time drags on and answers seem faraway,

 teach me, Father, to find my help in You and Your presence.

Enable me to endure, and empower me to trust in You.


Read:Psalm 35:17-28 New International Version (NIV)

17 How long, Lord, will you look on?
    Rescue me from their ravages,
    my precious life from these lions.
18 I will give you thanks in the great assembly;
    among the throngs I will praise you.
19 Do not let those gloat over me
    who are my enemies without cause;
do not let those who hate me without reason
    maliciously wink the eye.
20 They do not speak peaceably,
    but devise false accusations
    against those who live quietly in the land.
21 They sneer at me and say, “Aha! Aha!
    With our own eyes we have seen it.”

22 Lord, you have seen this; do not be silent.
    Do not be far from me, Lord.
23 Awake, and rise to my defense!
    Contend for me, my God and Lord.
24 Vindicate me in your righteousness, Lord my God;
    do not let them gloat over me.
25 Do not let them think, “Aha, just what we wanted!”
    or say, “We have swallowed him up.”

26 May all who gloat over my distress
    be put to shame and confusion;
may all who exalt themselves over me
    be clothed with shame and disgrace.
27 May those who delight in my vindication
    shout for joy and gladness;
may they always say, “The Lord be exalted,
    who delights in the well-being of his servant.”

28 My tongue will proclaim your righteousness,
    your praises all day long.


18 我在大会中要称谢你,在众民中要赞美你。
19 求你不容那无理与我为仇的向我夸耀,不容那无故恨我的向我挤眼。
20 因为他们不说和平话,倒想出诡诈的言语,害地上的安静人。
21 他们大大张口攻击我,说:“啊哈!啊哈!我们的眼已经看见了!”
22 耶和华啊,你已经看见了,求你不要闭口。主啊,求你不要远离我。
23 我的神我的主啊,求你奋兴醒起,判清我的事,申明我的冤。
24 耶和华我的神啊,求你按你的公义判断我,不容他们向我夸耀。
25 不容他们心里说:“阿哈!遂我们的心愿了!”不容他们说:“我们已经把他吞了!”
26 愿那喜欢我遭难的一同抱愧蒙羞,愿那向我妄自尊大的披惭愧,蒙羞辱。
27 愿那喜悦我冤屈得申
28 我的舌头要终日论说你的公义,时常赞美你。


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