
【Daily Bread】Best Deal Ever 最大的满足!

True contentment does not depend on anything in this world.

As goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what benefit are they to the owners? Ecclesiastes 5:11

How much is enough? We might ask this simple question on a day that many developed countries increasingly devote to shopping. I speak of Black Friday, the day after the US Thanksgiving holiday, in which many stores open early and offer cut-price deals; a day that has spread from the States to other nations. Some shoppers have limited resources and are trying to purchase something at a price they can afford. But sadly, for others greed is the motivation, and violence erupts as they fight for bargains.

The wisdom of the Old Testament writer known as “the Teacher” (Eccl. 1:1) provides an antidote to the frenzy of consumerism we may face in the shops—and in our hearts. He points out that those who love money never will have enough and will be ruled by their possessions. And yet, they will die with nothing: “As everyone comes, so they depart” (5:15). The apostle Paul echoes the Teacher in his letter to Timothy, when he says that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and that we should strive for “godliness with contentment” (1 Tim. 6:6–10).

Whether we live in a place of plenty or not, we all can seek unhealthy ways of filling the God-shaped hole in our hearts. But when we look to the Lord for our sense of peace and well-being, He will fill us with His goodness and love.

“You have formed us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in You.” Augustine, The Confessions




运用旧约中传道者(传道书1章1节) 所启示的智慧可以矫正这种狂热的消费价值观,我们也许在购物商场或内心深处也面临这样的问题。传道者指出,贪恋钱财的人永远不会知足,一生被物欲掌控。然而死去时,分毫都不能带走,“他怎样从母胎赤身而来,也必照样赤身而去”(5章15节) 。使徒保罗在写给提摩太的书信中,也有类似传道者的教导。保罗说“贪财是万恶之根”,我们当竭力追求“敬虔加上知足”(提摩太前书6章6-10节) 。



Ecclesiastes 5:10-19New International Version (NIV)

10 Whoever loves money never has enough;whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.  This too is meaningless.11 As goods increase,so do those who consume them.And what benefit are they to the owners except to feast their eyes on them?12 The sleep of a laborer is sweet,whether they eat little or much,

but as for the rich, their abundance  permits them no sleep.

13 I have seen a grievous evil under the sun:wealth hoarded to the harm of its owners,14     or wealth lost through some misfortune,so that when they have children there is nothing left for them to inherit.15 Everyone comes naked from their mother’s womb, and as everyone comes, so they depart.They take nothing from their toil that they can carry in their hands.16 This too is a grievous evil:

As everyone comes, so they depart,  and what do they gain, since they toil for the wind?17 All their days they eat in darkness, with great frustration, affliction and anger.18 This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome laborunder the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot. 19 Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.


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